Guides & e-books

Guides & e-books

The media that breaks down green news for businesses, and for the rest of the world.

Featured Stories

ROI with Greenly!

Download this one-pager to discover how Greenly helps companies turn sustainability into a competitive advantage. This resource explores Greenly’s ROI-driven approach highlighting findings from a recent study by SIA Partners, showing how businesses can reduce emissions, comply with regulations, and enhance profitability—all while strengthening their sustainable business strategy.

One pager

Guide : The ultimate guide to Carbon Footprint 2022

Created at the initiative of Greenly and CSR Connection, discover the results of the very first edition of the Carbon Footprint 2022 barometer. The initiative has allowed to survey and give voice to more than 250 companies, in order to feed the public debate on the barriers to be removed to accelerate the transition and democratize the Carbon Footprint for each company. Download the study

finance guide

Guide : Sustainable Finance

This guide aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the state of sustainable finance, by examining current trends and future prospects. We hope that this guide will be useful for investment funds and decision-makers who are looking to engage in more sustainable financial practices and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Business and Green IT

Your business and Green IT

Greenly gives you free access to its white paper on green IT and the environmental issues it represents!


Project management model

Looking for a project management template for your CSR strategy? Download our template.