Quick Carbon Calculator

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Get a quick and easy snapshot of your company’s emissions

Try our free 5-minutes calculator to estimate your business' CO2 emissions. It’s the perfect tool for gaining a first insight into your environmental impact. Please note, this can't used as an official report, book a demo with us to discover our complete carbon assessment offers.

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Why should I calculate my company's emissions ?


Respect the Paris Agreement

Companies’ engagement is a pre-requisite to stay below +1,5°C.


Comply with regulations

More and more companies are legally required to do a carbon assessment.



A lot of companies require carbon footprint reports from their suppliers.


Obtain a Certification

Measuring your emissions is the foundation towards certifications like B Corp and Ecovadis.

Discover our other simulators

Greenly provides these free tools to help you better understand the carbon footprint of your company and your legal obligations regarding it.

Legislation Checker

Make sure you align with global carbon assessment standards.