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Regulations timeline

October 2023

EU Carbon Adjustment Mechanism: Deadline for comments


January 2024

Large EU companies subject to NFRD get ready for CSRD-compliancy in 2025


January 2025

Large EU companies not subject to NFRD get ready for CSRD-compliancy in 2026


June 2025

Beginning of UK Sustainability Disclosure Standards implementation


January 2026

EU listed SME’s get ready for CSRD-compliancy in 2027


January 2026

CBAM definitive regime


January 2026

CSDD implemented


January 2028

Non-EU parent companies get ready for CSRD-compliancy in 2029

Voluntary label


The Non-Financial Reporting Directiv, was adopted in 2014 by the European Union, requiring certain companies to provide non-financial disclosure documents along with their annual reports.


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, published on December 2022 require large companies to publish non-financial reports in accordance with standards established at the European level.


The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism started to introduce in October 2023, greenhouse gas reporting obligations for importers of certain carbon-intensive products in EU.

GhG Protocol

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is the main global standard for public and private sector entities to measure greenhouse gas emissions.


A life cycle analysis is an evaluation method used to quantify the environmental impacts of a product or service


The Science Based Targets initiative encourages companies to set ambitious emissions reduction targets to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in conjunction with the latest climate science.


The Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (or PEFCR) are a set of rules and guidelines specific to a product category that provide guidance on how to conduct a PEF assessment for a given category.


An Environmental Product Declaration, often shortened as EPD, refers to the document which offers an in-depth analysis of a product’s environmental impact throughout its entire life cycle.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard that explains the requirements for effective Environmental Management Systems (EMS).

ISO 14067

The ISO 14067 is an international standard that defines the requirements necessary for companies to qualify the carbon footprint of their products.

ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is a standard which provides guidance on social responsibility. It is not certifiable but serves as a voluntary framework to help organizations effectively implement social responsibility principles.


The aim of the Carbon Disclosure Project is to improve environmental impact data transparency and support sustainable business by helping companies measure, track, and reduce damage to the environment.


The Global Reporting Initiative is an international non-profit and independent initiative where many participants develop rules for companies that care about sustainability issues.


The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board offers a blueprint for disclosing sustainability data of financial significance to investors. In 2022 it was incorporated into the ISSB.

B corp

This certification signifies that a business has undergone rigorous third-party verification to demonstrate its commitment to high standards of environmental and social responsibility, accountability, and transparency.


EcoVadis is a sustainability software company and one of the globe’s biggest and most dependable services to view and compare sustainability ratings.


Starting 2025, the CSDD will provide mandatory due diligence obligations and requirements, specifically on how businesses impact human rights and the environment

EU Taxonomy

The EU Taxonomy is a landmark framework designed to guide sustainable investments and support the European Union's ambitious climate goals under the European Green Deal.


The ISSB, known as the International Sustainability Standards Board – was announced last November in Glasgow at COP26 as an effort to develop a superior standard for future disclosures regarding sustainability in order to help investors and potential stakeholders.


The UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (UK SDR) are a set of rules developed to govern sustainability disclosures for financial market participants in the United Kingdom.


The UK’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulation requires certain companies (quoted companies, large unquoted companies, and limited liability partnerships) to annually report their energy emissions and Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions.


The SFDR is a disclosure regulation implemented by the European Union that strives to improve transparency and support sustainability related practices throughout the financial services sector, to prevent greenwashing and to aid the transition to a more sustainable society.

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