Carbon Footprint

  • Why should my company measure its carbon footprint?

    In addition to meeting a common objective - that of collectively reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and thus combating climate change - there are several reasons you should carry out your own carbon assessment (Article here). Among them :
    - to satisfy the new expectations of customers (especially the younger consumers);
    - to control costs;
    - to attract investors;
    - to boost your brand image;
    - to anticipate legislative changes that are already underway.

  • How does Greenly calculate my company’s emissions?

    Greenly takes a snapshot of your direct and indirect emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3), and then analyzes the physical and monetary flows linked to your activity. So essentially, we collect all the activity data of your company and translate this activity into greenhouse gasses. Thanks to our innovative technology, we can automate the analysis and collection of this data. To date, there are more than 100 business applications on our interface that allow us to quantify the majority of activities that generate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

  • What does the Greenly platform offer?

    Greenly offers an integrated platform to manage your climate strategy from A to Z:
    - a complete, accurate, easy, and quick carbon assessment ;
    - a library of action plans and virtuous alternatives to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions;
    - a questionnaire for your employees to raise their awareness of climate issues;
    - a complete reporting tool to communicate your progress to your stakeholders on a regular basis.

  • Is it required by law to do a carbon assessment?

    Right now in the US, there are no laws that require a business to do so. Nevertheless, be aware that initiating such a process without being forced to do so by law can be highly beneficial. It shows your commitment to environmental issues, and it also protects you from greenwashing - by calculating your carbon footprint you demonstrate that you are making concrete improvements, and shows that you are transparent about your carbon emissions. In addition, regulations are expected to take place and affect companies in the coming years.

  • Is there any sort of financial help that can support my company in calculating its carbon footprint?

    Many government agencies and entities offer grants. Since February 2021, the carbon footprint of companies can be reimbursed by up to 80% by [ADEME].

Life Cycle Assessment

  • What is a Life Cycle Assessment?

    The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a multi-stage, multi-criteria analysis, which allows for the measurement of environmental impacts generated by a product or a service throughout its life cycle: from the extraction of raw materials to the end of life, passing through the stages of manufacture, use, etc.

  • Who can be concerned by the realization of an LCA?

    The realization of an LCA can be particularly interesting for :
    - public authorities;
    - scientists;
    - industrial companies.
    However, any structure offering products and/or services has the possibility to carry out an LCA.

  • Why do a Life Cycle Assessment?

    A Life Cycle Assessment is useful for:
    - identifying the environmental issues and impacts of a company;
    - developing eco-designed products;
    - comparing the environmental impact of products with those of competitors;
    - consolidating brand image and standing out from the competition.

  • How to do an LCA ?

    LCA is composed of 4 steps, which are totally interdependent:
    1. Define the scope of the study and the functional unit used;
    2. Carry out the inventory of life cycle data;
    3. Evaluate the environmental impacts;
    4. Interpret the results.

Sustainable Procurement

  • What is supplier engagement?

    Working with your suppliers is critical to the implementation of your low-carbon strategy - and to its success. It allows you to : - refine your Scope 3 emissions (which are, by definition, the hardest to estimate);
    - visualize the climate score of all your suppliers and better understand their own impact on the environment;
    - implement a responsible purchasing policy by studying the low-carbon alternatives available through our supplier directory.

  • How does Greenly engage my suppliers?

    The process consists of 4 steps:
    1. Your company sends us a list of all its suppliers;
    2. We contact them by sending them a questionnaire, the purpose of which is to evaluate the ecological performance of each supplier;
    3. The collected information is integrated into the Greenly interface;
    4. Your suppliers can start their own decarbonization process, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and thus establish an environmentally responsible business policy.

  • How is the scoring of my suppliers done?

    More than 40 criteria are taken into consideration when evaluating your suppliers. They allow us to carry out an evaluation taking into account the specificities linked to the size of their structure and their sector of activity. A grade between A and E is then awarded and communicated via the platform. đź’» On your side, you can access all the results of your suppliers on the same platform. This allows you to:
    - Have an objective view of your partners' commitment ;
    - Identify new opportunities and low-carbon alternatives;
    - Improve your purchasing policy.

  • What about suppliers who have already measured their footprint?

    For companies that have already carried out their carbon footprint with the help of another organization, we directly retrieve the data from this assessment and, after validation of the methodology, we may refine the company's emissions using our own tools. Similarly, if the supplier has published its results officially (via the ADEME or CDP website), we automatically retrieve them and integrate them into the Greenly database.


  • Carbon compensation or carbon contribution?

    Broadly speaking, these two terms are similar. Whether one "contributes" to the goal of carbon neutrality or "offsets" one's carbon footprint, the idea is to finance carbon reduction or sequestration projects. Until now, the term "carbon contribution" has not been widely used, but it is now taking precedence over the term "carbon offset". The reason for this change? A question of semantics, really. In fact, it would be misleading to instill in the minds of individuals and professionals that we can solve the issue of our emissions by simply "offsetting" our real emissions with hypothetical future absorptions. Right now, we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions before offsetting our residual emissions - that is, the ones we really can't avoid.

  • How to contribute to carbon neutrality with Greenly?

    In order to help you in your carbon contribution process, Greenly makes things easier for you. How? By offering you a vast catalog of carbon contribution projects to support via our platform. In this way, you can manage your carbon contribution autonomously and decide at any time to support the project of your choice in a few clicks.

  • Are Greenly's projects vetted and certified ?

    All the projects we submit to our clients have been carefully reviewed by our climate experts. Our goal is to ensure that these carbon contribution projects will allow you to participate significantly in the global objective of carbon neutrality. In other words, the projects proposed via the Greenly platform have all achieved the highest level of certification (Low Carbon Label, VCS, etc.).


  • Does Greenly take physical and monetary flows into account?

    The accounting export file will allow us to obtain conversions of $ into CO2 via the ADEME emissions factors. When we have identified items with high emission factors, we will complete them with physical quantity measurements and work with more physical data from your organization.

  • What are your certifications ?

    We are certified by ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), GreenHouse Gas Protocol (global equivalent), and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). We are also certified by GreenTech Innovation and by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Recently, our solution was awarded the Science Based Targets label.

  • Why does the price of a carbon assessment vary depending on the sector of activity?

    The price of a carbon assessment varies according to its level of difficulty. Some sectors of activity are more difficult to analyze than others in terms of environmental impact.

  • Has Greenly's methodology been approved by a scientific committee?

    Yes, Greenly's Scientific Council is made up of about ten people: experts in the field of climate, economists, but also members of civil society who are willing to support the organization in developing its solution.

  • Is the data provided by clients secure?

    Yes, a security insurance plan is available in our appendix. Additionally:
    - an audit (now closed) has been conducted by the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés);
    - we have already been evaluated by many banking clients (BNP, RCI Bank);
    - Greenly employees are trained in security rules via the Qontrol platform

  • Does Greenly provide offsetting?

    Yes our platform provides a marketplace dedicated to offsetting.

  • Does using the platform require any technical requirement ?

    No, our platform is extremely intuitive and user-friendly and you don’t need any technical skill to use it. If any question comes up, we have an online support that is included in all our packages and except for the GHG Report Compliance package a dedicated climate expert with help you with be happy to support you. Besides, in the platform you’ll find our Greenly Academy to help you improve your knowledge about climate and carbon related topics.

  • Are there any setup fees ?

    No setup fees, no hidden costs in our packages.