Greenlyhttps://images.prismic.io/greenly/43d30a11-8d8a-4079-b197-b988548fad45_Logo+Greenly+x3.pngGreenly, la plateforme tout-en-un dédiée à toutes les entreprises désireuses de mesurer, piloter et réduire leurs émissions de CO2.
GreenlyGreenly, la plateforme tout-en-un dédiée à toutes les entreprises désireuses de mesurer, piloter et réduire leurs émissions de CO2.
5 features carbon tracking software should have
Blog...5 features carbon tracking software should have

5 features carbon tracking software should have

Carbon accounting
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In this article, we outline the key features that are essential for effective carbon tracking software.
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As the world becomes more conscious of its environmental footprint, businesses are stepping up their game to embrace sustainability. The secret weapon? Carbon tracking software. This innovative tool is changing how companies understand and manage their impact on the planet. Whether you're a small start-up or a global conglomerate, the journey towards reducing your carbon footprint starts here. But with so many options on the market, how do you choose the right software? 

We've consulted with Greenly’s top carbon accounting experts to bring you insight into the five must-have features of carbon tracking software. Read on to discover how the right software can make all the difference in your journey towards a greener, more responsible future.

👉In this article, we outline the key features that are essential for effective carbon tracking software.

What is carbon tracking software?

Carbon tracking software is a tool designed to help businesses measure, analyze, and manage their carbon footprint. It allows companies to gain a comprehensive understanding of their environmental impact by quantifying the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted directly or indirectly from their operations.

Carbon tracking software operates by collecting data across various emission sources - often categorized into Scope 1 (direct emissions from owned or controlled sources), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy), and Scope 3 (all other indirect emissions that occur in a company's value chain). This data is then processed using advanced algorithms and emission factors to provide an accurate picture of a company's carbon emissions

The software's usefulness goes beyond mere measurement. It also serves as a crucial decision-making tool, enabling businesses to identify key areas where emissions can be reduced, develop strategic action plans, and track the progress of their sustainability initiatives.

In a marketplace where sustainability is increasingly linked to corporate reputation and consumer preference, carbon tracking software has become a necessity for businesses. It helps companies to transition towards more sustainable practices, align with regulatory requirements, and actively participate in the global effort to mitigate climate change. 

As businesses seek to understand and minimize their environmental impact, selecting the right carbon tracking software becomes an important decision, one that can shape their sustainability journey and overall environmental strategy. So with this in mind, we asked Greenly’s in-house carbon accounting experts - what features are most important when selecting a carbon tracking software. Read on to find out. 

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1. Quick and easy data integration

In the fast-paced world of business, efficiency is key, and this is no different when it comes to environmental sustainability efforts. For companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint, the first step is often the most challenging - collecting and managing the relevant data. This is where the feature of quick and easy data ingestion in carbon tracking software becomes crucial.

The importance of speed and simplicity

Data ingestion refers to the process of importing data for immediate use or storage in a database. In the context of carbon tracking, this means collecting various types of data, such as energy usage, travel records, supply chain information, and more. The faster and simpler this process, the quicker a company can begin analyzing its carbon footprint. Rapid data entry is not just a matter of convenience - it also directly impacts the ability of a business to track its emissions in real time and make informed decisions to reduce its environmental impact.

Facilitating real-time decision-making

The real power of quick data ingestion lies in its capacity to enable real-time decision-making. When businesses can easily input and access their emissions data, they are better equipped to identify trends, make timely adjustments, and measure the effectiveness of their sustainability initiatives. This agility is essential in today's business environment, where environmental considerations are increasingly influencing customer choices and regulatory requirements.

Greenly's approach to data ingestion

Here at Greenly we recognize the importance of seamless data integration and have developed a solution that stands out in the carbon tracking market. Our software offers rapid importing capabilities, allowing businesses to directly import their accounting files and integrate physical flow data with ease. This approach not only saves valuable time but also ensures accuracy in measuring a company's cash flows and environmental impact.

Moreover, Greenly's cutting-edge emission calculation algorithms enhance the speed of data collection, making it up to 9 times faster than traditional methods. Even better is that this efficiency does not come at the cost of precision - our platform is designed to provide detailed and reliable data, empowering businesses to take decisive and impactful action in their journey towards sustainability.

2. Focus on significant emissions with activity studies

Once the data has been ingested into a carbon tracking system, the next crucial feature is the ability to focus on significant emissions through detailed activity studies. This is crucial for businesses to understand which activities contribute most to their carbon footprint and where they can make the most impactful changes.

Understanding emission hotspots

Activity studies in carbon tracking involve analyzing various business operations to pinpoint where the highest emissions are generated. These 'emission hotspots' can vary greatly depending on the industry, scale of operation, and nature of the business. For example, a manufacturing company might find that its production processes are the largest source of emissions, while a service-based firm might discover that employee commuting and business travel contribute significantly to its carbon footprint.

By focusing on these significant emissions, companies can allocate resources more effectively to areas where they can achieve the most substantial environmental impact. A bonus is that this targeted approach not only makes carbon management more efficient but also more cost-effective.

Tailoring strategies for maximum impact

Identifying emission hotspots is only the first step. The real challenge lies in developing strategies to address these key areas. This requires an understanding of the underlying causes and the potential solutions that can be implemented. Whether it's transitioning to renewable energy sources, optimizing logistics, or encouraging remote work to reduce travel-related emissions, the strategies need to be tailored to the specific needs and capabilities of the business.

Greenly's role in activity studies

Greenly's software is designed to aid in this critical phase. With our expertise spanning all sectors, we help nearly 1,500 customers identify their significant emission sources. Our advanced analytics and emission calculation algorithms provide deep insights, helping businesses understand their emissions in detail.

Moreover, our approach is not just about measurement but also about providing actionable insights. Greenly helps companies develop effective carbon reduction plans tailored to their specific emission hotspots. Whether it’s adjusting operational practices, investing in more sustainable technologies, or finding alternative materials or processes, our carbon tracking software empowers clients to make informed decisions that lead to real environmental change.

💡 Focusing on significant emissions through detailed activity studies is a critical feature of effective carbon tracking software. Greenly's intuitive platform allows businesses to not just understand but also actively manage and reduce their carbon footprint, paving the way for a more sustainable and responsible future.

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3. Compliance with the main regulatory frameworks

Navigating the complex landscape of environmental regulations is a challenge that many businesses face in their sustainability journey. This is why compliance with main regulatory frameworks is a critical feature for any carbon tracking software. Ensuring adherence to these regulations not only helps in avoiding legal repercussions but also in maintaining a positive corporate image.

The role of regulatory compliance in carbon tracking

Regulatory compliance in the context of carbon tracking involves aligning a company's reporting and reduction efforts with various environmental laws and guidelines. These may include international protocols like the Paris Agreement, regional regulations such as the European Union's Emission Trading System (EU ETS), or national environmental laws. Each of these frameworks has its own set of requirements and standards for measuring, reporting, and reducing carbon emissions.

The ability of carbon tracking software to align with these regulations ensures that businesses are not only measuring their carbon footprint accurately but are also reporting it in a manner that meets legal standards. This compliance is increasingly important as more governments and regulatory bodies introduce stricter environmental regulations and reporting requirements.

Streamlining compliance processes

A significant advantage of using sophisticated carbon tracking software is the simplification of the compliance process. Instead of manually navigating through complex legal requirements, businesses can rely on the software to help them through the process. This includes generating reports in the correct format, ensuring that all relevant emission sources are accounted for, and keeping track of changing regulations.

Greenly's approach to regulatory compliance

Greenly's carbon accounting software is designed with compliance in mind. Incorporating Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, our software aligns with major frameworks like the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the ADME methodology. This ensures that our clients' carbon reporting is accurate, comprehensive, and in line with current standards.

Furthermore, Greenly's software is continually updated to reflect the latest in scientific research and regulatory changes. This approach ensures that our clients are always ahead of the curve in terms of compliance, reducing the risk of non-compliance and the associated financial and reputational costs.

💡 Compliance with main regulatory frameworks is an important feature of carbon tracking software, helping businesses to stay compliant while also instilling confidence in their stakeholders that they are taking responsible and legally sound steps towards sustainability.

4. Supply chain insights

Engaging with suppliers is an important aspect of comprehensively managing a company's carbon footprint, especially since over 70% of emissions often originate from the value chain, including indirect emissions related to purchased goods, services, and other downstream and upstream activities. Understanding and managing these Scope 3 emissions is crucial, as they often represent the majority of an organization's environmental impact.

Understanding value chain emissions

Engaging with suppliers involves more than just gathering numbers. It's about delving into the details of your supply chain and identifying how each element contributes to your overall carbon footprint. Understanding value chain emissions is essential for businesses to pinpoint areas needing urgent attention and where to develop long-term strategies.

What’s more, is that supplier engagement isn't just about assessing the current state but also about anticipating future changes. This includes evaluating how shifts in supply chain practices, market dynamics, or regulatory environments could impact a company's carbon footprint. Here, predictive analytics and proactive communication with suppliers play a pivotal role.

The role of supplier collaboration

Supplier collaboration is key in this process. This is why effective carbon tracking software should facilitate easy communication and data exchange with suppliers, allowing for a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the entire value chain's emissions. This collaboration not only ensures data accuracy but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility and commitment towards sustainability.

Greenly's supplier engagement tools provide a platform for this collaboration. Our software not only gathers data but also helps in analyzing and understanding supplier emissions, encouraging suppliers to take action toward reducing their carbon footprint.

Greenly's comprehensive approach to supplier engagement

Greenly stands out in its approach to supplier engagement. Our carbon tracking platform is designed to help businesses gain a thorough understanding of their supply chain emissions. We support companies in gathering detailed information about their suppliers' emissions and encourage suppliers to actively participate in carbon reduction initiatives.

Our scoring system evaluates the maturity of both your and your suppliers' low-carbon strategies, ensuring that the entire value chain is held to a consistent standard of environmental responsibility. This comprehensive approach is not only about tracking emissions but also about creating a collaborative and responsible supply chain.

💡 Engaging with suppliers is a crucial component of carbon management, and Greenly's innovative tools empower businesses to effectively understand and manage their entire carbon footprint. By involving the whole supply chain in sustainability efforts, companies can make more impactful and informed decisions towards a greener future.

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5. Impactful action plans

The final, and perhaps most crucial, feature of carbon tracking software is its ability to facilitate the creation and implementation of impactful action plans. These plans are the practical steps a business takes towards reducing its carbon footprint and achieving its sustainability goals.

Crafting tailored carbon reduction strategies

An impactful action plan in carbon management is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a deep understanding of a company's specific emission sources, operational processes, and sustainability objectives. The action plan must be tailored to fit the unique context of the business, ensuring that the strategies are both feasible and effective in reducing emissions.

This involves setting realistic and measurable targets, identifying the most effective methods for reducing emissions in key areas, and allocating resources where they can have the most significant impact. The plan should also allow for adjustments as the business evolves and as new opportunities for carbon reduction arise.

Integrating stakeholder engagement

Another essential aspect of an impactful action plan is stakeholder engagement. This includes not just the internal team but also suppliers, customers, and other partners. Engaging these stakeholders ensures that the sustainability efforts are comprehensive and have the support needed for successful implementation.

Educating and involving employees in sustainability initiatives, for instance, can foster a culture of environmental responsibility within the organization. Similarly, working with suppliers to reduce upstream emissions can have a significant impact on the overall carbon footprint of a business.

Greenly's approach to action planning

Greenly's carbon accounting software is designed to not just measure and understand emissions but also to assist in developing and executing effective action plans. Our software enables businesses to build deep carbon reduction plans, tailored to their specific needs and goals.

We provide tools for assessing the environmental impact of various actions, helping companies prioritize initiatives that offer the most significant benefits. With Greenly, businesses can set achievable targets, monitor progress in real time, and adjust strategies as needed.

Moreover, Greenly's platform empowers and rewards employees, helping to create a culture of sustainability within the organization. We also assist in engaging suppliers, ensuring that the entire value chain is moving towards reduced emissions.

💡 Impactful action plans are the result of effective carbon tracking and management. Greenly's comprehensive approach, combining state-of-the-art technology with expert guidance, enables businesses to not just plan but also effectively implement strategies that lead to real and lasting environmental impact. This proactive stance towards sustainability is what sets Greenly apart and makes it a valuable partner in any business's journey toward a greener future.

What about Greenly?

At Greenly we can help you to assess your company’s carbon footprint, and then give you the tools you need to cut down on emissions. Why not request a free demo with one of our experts - no obligation or commitment required. 

If reading this article has inspired you to consider your company’s own carbon footprint, Greenly can help. Learn more about Greenly’s carbon management platform here.

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