The voice of impact

Kara Anderson, UK Copywriter

Kara Anderson holds an undergraduate law degree and a master’s degree in international law from the University of Glasgow and the University of Aberdeen, specialising in human rights and EU law, where she developed strong research and writing skills. After working at Ernst & Young as part of their audit graduate scheme and gaining experience in analytics, she transitioned to advertising, working with major global brands like American Express and Dove. In 2023, Kara joined Greenly as a writer, focusing on sustainability and climate-related topics for the UK market. Her work spans a wide range of environmental issues, including climate science, sustainable development, and climate policy. Collaborating with climate scientists, Kara has produced data-driven investigations into key climate challenges. With a passion for international politics, sustainable development, and climate change science, she continues to build her expertise in the field and is currently pursuing further training in journalism.

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Latest articles

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Legislation & Standards
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The ESRS 1 Requirements

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In this article, we’ll break down what ESRS 1 covers, why it matters, and the key steps businesses need to take to align with its requirements.

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Global Warming
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What is Nitrous Oxide (N2O)?

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In this article, we’ll break down what nitrous oxide is, where it comes from, and how it’s contributing to climate change.

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Legislation & Standards
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ISO 14064: Objectives and Requirements

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In this article, we’ll explore the objectives and requirements of ISO 14064, breaking down how it works, why it matters, and how organisations can implement it effectively.

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How does solar activity affect climate change?

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In this article, we’ll break down how solar activity affects Earth’s climate and explore why human emissions, not solar variations, remain the primary driver of modern climate change.

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What is the Maunder Minimum?

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In this article, we'll explore what the Maunder Minimum was, what caused it, how it influenced the Earth's climate, and why it still matters for scientific research today.

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LEED certification: meaning and requirements

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In this article, we'll explore what LEED certification means, what it involves, and how it can help businesses to minimise their carbon footprint.

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