Maison Denis carries out its Carbon Footprint with Greenly

This report summarizes the 2022 results of Mondetta's GHG emissions assessment !


Date of creation


Number of employees




Year analyzed

Analysis of the results



Icone avec dessin d'avion


Number of round trips Paris / New York

Icone Co2


Annual emissions in number of Amercian people

Icone avec dessin d'arbres


Hectares of growing forest needed to compensate

What can you tell us about your company? šŸ”

Maison Denis boasts a rich history spanning over 160 years, underlining its status as a well-established company with a legacy upheld by successive generations of the founding family. Focusing on the food and beverage sector, Denis Asia Pacific serves as the operational headquarters, spearheading sustainability efforts within the group. Noteworthy investments in production and logistics, including in Solar Photovoltaic Systems, energy-efficient equipment, and Green Building certifications, highlight Maison Denis' commitment to innovation and sustainability.

Embarking on the sustainability journey may seem daunting, but the first step is crucial: measure your impact. Just as you wouldnā€™t embark on a weight loss journey without a scale, you canā€™t effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions without knowing where they stand. Itā€™s not as daunting as it seemsā€”start small, take it step by step, and remember, itā€™s possible for everyone to make a difference.
Pablo Merino
ESG Manager - Maison Denis - Denis Asia Pacific

ESG Strategy and Scope 3 awareness

Maison Denis' dedication to combatting climate change is evident through its internal efforts in calculating and mitigating Scope 1 and 2 emissions. However, recognizing the importance of addressing Scope 3 emissions, which often constitute a significant portion of overall emissions, the group sought assistance from Greenly for a comprehensive carbon assessment. Despite no regulatory obligation, Maison Denis voluntarily engaged with Greenly to gain insights into its carbon footprint, emphasizing a proactive approach towards sustainability.

Selection of Greenly solution šŸŒ±

The decision to select Greenly was taken following a thorough evaluation process of several service providers offering similar solutions. We conducted then a satisfactory pilot project with one of our companies based in Singapore. It convinced us to deploy the greenhouse gas assessment to 13 of our entities.

We were interested in the simplicity in apprehending and calculating Scope 3 emissions. Greenly's solution lies in its ability to harness financial data to streamline the complex process of emissions calculation. This capability is designed to simplify calculation workflows.

During the course of our collaboration, Greenly demonstrated availability and responsiveness. Regular meetings ensured that our project remained on track, fostering open communication and mutual understanding. Greenly understood our unique operational constraints, tailoring their approach to suit our specific needs rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all strategy. This adaptability helps in ensuring a seamless experience. They also appear to be committed to continuous improvement by soliciting feedback and looking for ways to enhance the system.

Results and Insights šŸ“Š

While our expectations were generally aligned with the results provided by Greenly for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, delving into Scope 3 emissions opened a new level of insight and understanding. We approached the findings with a positive outlook, viewing them as validation of our ongoing efforts towards sustainability. It was gratifying to see that the products we offer inherently possess a low carbon footprint, reflecting our commitment to quality and environmental responsibility. This reaffirmed our belief that we are moving in the right direction.

We did not expect the relatively low impact of transportation on our overall emissions profile. Given our status as an international company with products distributed across various countries, we anticipated transportation to constitute a more significant portion of our carbon footprint. However, our reliance on long shelf-life products, such as canned and sterilized pouches transported mainly by sea freight, mitigated this impact. This realization underscored the importance of considering the entire product lifecycle in assessing emissions.

Another noteworthy observation was the significant contribution of packaging to our emissions profile. While not entirely unexpected, it served as a reminder of the need to continually improve our packaging practices. We are actively engaged in efforts to reduce packaging weight, enhance recyclability, and incorporate more recycled materials while keeping as the utmost priority the highest standard of food preservation and safety.

Emission Priorities and Action Plans

As we now have a comprehensive view of our emissions across all scopes, our focus is on developing a robust long-term roadmap to achieve our sustainability objectives. While acknowledging the nuances surrounding terminologies such as ā€œcarbon neutralityā€ and ā€œnet-zeroā€, we are committed to making tangible progress in reducing our emissions. Our goal, aligned with the principles of net-zero emissions, is to achieve net zero by 2040. We are proud of the transparency we maintain regarding our emissions profile and are eager to share our progress with stakeholders through various channels, including our ESG reports.

What are our action plans?

In addressing Scope 1 and 2 emissions, our primary focus lies in optimizing energy consumption, particularly in electricity and fuel usage. We have dedicated resources to actively explore energy-saving measures, including potential upgrades to our factoryā€™s machinery. Also, our internal communication efforts extend to engaging employees in our sustainability journey through initiatives such as EHS weeks and Climate Fresk. Regarding Scope 3 emissions, our strategy centers on engaging with our suppliers to drive collective action towards emissions reduction. While recognizing the challenges posed by our diverse supplier base, we are committed to fostering collaboration and encouraging adherence to sustainability standards. We are confident that legal, economic and technical contexts should soon evolve faster.


Maison Denisā€™ partnership with Greenly exemplifies its commitment to sustainability, showcasing a proactive approach to addressing environmental challenges. By leveraging data-driven insights and engaging stakeholders, the group aims to achieve its sustainability goals while inspiring others to join the journey towards a greener and more responsible future.

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