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Our Guide to Sustainable Office Supplies
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Our Guide to Sustainable Office Supplies

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In this article, we’ll explain what sustainable office supplies are, the pros and cons, and how your company could get started.

As we head out of the era of remote work and people continue to head back to the office, sustainable office supplies will become all the more important for businesses looking to go green and reduce their carbon footprint.

Sustainable office supplies can help a business to not only reduce their environmental impact, but potentially help employees improve their work efficiency and productivity. 

In this article, we’ll explain what sustainable office supplies are, the pros and cons, and how your company could get started.

What are sustainable office supplies?

Sustainable office supplies refer to products which are made specifically to help reduce the environmental impact of traditional office supplies by using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and encouraging energy efficiency. 

As a whole, the main goal of switching to the use of sustainable office supplies is to help businesses lower their carbon footprint while also maintaining productivity and functionality.

Think about it: in the same way that the clothes we wear and the food we eat could have a colossal impact on the environment, since they are things we utilize and consume everyday, sustainable office supplies could have the same impact.

The notebook is the place where you figure out what’s going on inside you or what’s rattling around. And then, the keyboard is the place that you go to tell people about it. – (Austin Kleon).
eco friendly school & office supplies

Examples of Sustainable Office Supplies

Here’s a breakdown of some of the many different kinds of sustainable office supplies:

  • Recycled Paper & Notebooks – Sustainable notebooks made from post-consumer waste can help to avoid paper waste and continued deforestation.
  • Bamboo Pens & Pencils – Often used in construction, to build furniture, and even in bed linens – bamboo can also be used to make plastic and renewable alternative to wood-based stationery, which can reduce the plastic waste created by traditional pens and pencils. 
  • Refillable Markers & Highlighters – As opposed to throwing away markers, highlighters, and pens when their ink runs out – we can avoid the carbon impact of discarding single-use writing utensils. 
  • Staple-Free Staplers – Metal staples are extremely bad for the environment, seeing as they do not break down easily and can end up lingering in our landfills or oceans. Therefore, looking for ways to bind papers, without the use of metal staples can help to avoid access waste.
  • Eco-Friendly Printer Ink – Since printer ink can be toxic to the environment, switching to the use of soy or vegetable-based inks can help to avoid the negative impact of petroleum-based inks.
  • Biodegradable Trash Bags – In the office, trash bins are set up almost everywhere – from the commons rooms, to the bathrooms, and the kitchen. Therefore, it could help to switch to biodegradable trash bags – as these are probably thrown out everyday and could make a big difference. 
  • Recycled or Compostable PackagingSustainable packaging can help to reduce single-use plastic waste while also helping boost a circular economy.
  • Energy Efficient Appliances – Whether it be opting for LED lighting in the office or an energy efficient microwave in the kitchen area, any appliance that uses less power could help to reduce electricity usage in the office and ultimately the company’s carbon footprint. 
  • Reusable Whiteboard Notebooks or Tablets – Although there are several studies that writing by hand is better for your memory than jotting it down digitally, opting for a reusable whiteboard notebook, tablet, or computer could help to avoid superfluous paper consumption.
  • Sustainable Office Furniture – Giving your office a makeover to be more sustainable, such as by switching the chairs, lightings, tables, and more to be made from certified sustainable wood or other recycled materials could help to reduce the carbon impact of your office itself.

Ultimately, sustainable office supplies seek to reduce the environmental impact created by traditional office supplies while still working to ensure work productivity and business efficiency.

assorted pens, sticky notes, and more

How could office supplies impact the environment?

Office supplies can impact the environment since paper, staples, and even furniture in the office could all prove detrimental to the planet once discarded.

As the majority of traditional office suppliers are made from non-renewable resources, it means they contribute to excess waste, emissions, deforestation, and pollution – making the switch to sustainable office supplies worthwhile for all companies. 

As sustainability continues to be the new forefront of all business endeavors, seeing as it can help to foster greater productivity and long-term success in business – going green has never been more important than it is now, which makes sustainable office supplies all the more relevant. 

All of us have to work for a living, and many of us are returning to the office – with up to 90% of companies in the U.S. having aimed to return to in-person work by the end of 2024. This demonstrates how a great deal of our lives is actually spent at the office, and therefore – that sustainable office supplies can help us all to mitigate both our individual and collective carbon footprints.

How Traditional Office Supplies Harm the Environment

In order to better understand why sustainable office supplies are important, here’s a breakdown of how traditional office supplies could harm the environment:

  • Paper Waste & Deforestation – A whopping 50% of paper printed in businesses can be contributed to waste – since the average office worker can go through up to 10,000 pieces of A4 sized paper every year. This can spur biodiversity loss and reignite the need for reforestation, and elicit companies to contribute to excessive paper waste.
  • Printer Ink Pollution – We’ve all heard about air pollution before, but toner pollution is on a whole other level – since over 375 million traditional ink cartridges are thrown away every year and can take centuries to fully decompose. In addition to this, these ink cartridges are full of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and petroleum-based chemicals – both of which could further compromise air quality.
  • Traditional Stationary – Plastic pens, folders, and non-biodegradable erasers are all aesthetic, but they contribute to waste that can end up in landfills and our oceans – ultimately spurring greater global pollution. 
  • Energy-Intensive Electronics – Many modern offices today opt for bigger and better technology usage but in return – these devices such as laptops, monitors, and printers could use large amounts of energy and fossil fuels to be powered. Furthermore, these devices could contribute to e-waste – as toxic heavy metals could prove deleterious to surrounding soil and water. 
  • Non-Recyclable Packaging – As the majority of companies will be offering tangible goods to be purchased, they are bound to make use of packaging materials – but using items such as plastic wrap or styrofoam are challenging to recycle and could contribute to excess GHG emissions. 

Overall, switching to recycled paper, refillable pens, compostable packaging, and energy-efficient devices can all help a company to significantly reduce their  environmental impact.

glasses, keyboard, mouse, and black notebook on white desk

What are the pros and cons of sustainable office supplies?

Sustainable office supplies can allow for long-term cost savings and greater durability, but it can also require higher initial startup costs and employee incentive to prove effective in the long-term.

Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of sustainable office supplies:

Pros of Sustainable Office Supplies

  • More Durable – Sustainable office supplies can often last longer than traditional office supplies. 
  • Cost Savings – Office supplies such as sustainable pencils, pens, and notebooks may be made with more durable materials that won’t need to be replaced frequently – allowing for long-term reduced spending.
  • Trendy – Many companies are making it their priority to develop not only sustainable, but aesthetically-appealing office supplies. This can help attract people to more eco-friendly products while also helping the planet. 
  • Connect with Customers & Potential Collaborators – In the future, when a customer or potential business partner visits the office – your clear use of sustainable office suppliers could open the door for conversion regarding business sustainability, which could further intrigue the potential client or partner. 

Cons of Sustainable Office Supplies

  • Higher Start-Up Costs – Sustainable office supplies, while more affordable in the long-term, could prove initially more expensive. 
  • Encouraging Employees to Oblige – Even if your company fills its office with sustainable office supplies, it doesn’t mean that your employees will opt for a notebook out of bamboo instead of printer paper. Therefore, making the most of sustainable office supplies will not only require higher startup costs – but an effort to example to your employees the benefit of this transition. 
  • Limited Availability – As green office designs continue to become more popular, the supply and demand for sustainable printer ink, paper, and writing utensils may make it more challenging for businesses to acquire all of the necessary office supplies.

In the end, sustainable office supplies, while they can be more expensive and more challenging to secure – are well worth the investment for any company looking to reduce their environmental impact. 

The table below will depict the pros and cons, but ultimately demonstrate why sustainable office supplies are best for the long-term – especially for growing businesses:

Aspect Pros Cons
Environmental Impact Reduces waste, lowers carbon footprint, and minimizes deforestation. Some products may still require energy-intensive recycling processes.
Cost Long-term savings from durable, reusable products and reduced waste. Higher initial cost compared to traditional office supplies.
Product Quality Often made from higher-quality, long-lasting materials. Some eco-friendly materials may not be as durable as synthetic alternatives.
Corporate Social Responsibility Enhances brand reputation, attracts eco-conscious clients, and aligns with sustainability goals. Requires commitment and potential operational adjustments.
Employee Engagement Boosts morale and productivity by fostering a greener workplace culture. May require staff training on new sustainable practices.
Long-Term Viability Supports a sustainable business model, future-proofs operations, and ensures compliance with evolving regulations. Initial transition may be challenging but leads to long-term benefits.

Why Sustainable Office Supplies Are Best for Growing Businesses: While there may be higher upfront costs and adjustments, sustainable office supplies ultimately lead to long-term cost savings, better brand reputation, and compliance with future regulations. Investing in eco-friendly supplies future-proofs businesses by promoting efficiency, reducing waste, and aligning with global sustainability trends.

brown envelope, open note book and mini one on top of it all resting on one large black notebook

How can your company transition to the use of sustainable office supplies?

Your company may feel overwhelmed at the thought of a complete, eco-friendly office makeover – but there are ways to transition to the use of sustainable office supplies slowly, such as by offering employees refillable markers or changing to LED light bulbs in the office.

The truth is, every small step counts – meaning that opting to switch your printer ink cartridges to soy ink or using an energy efficient refrigerator in the kitchen are all seemingly minuscule, but effective steps to kick-start your sustainability journey.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to transition to the use of sustainable office supplies:

Make the Most Effective Decisions For Your Office

Before making an effort to switch to the use of sustainable office supplies, it is important for your company to determine where the transition may prove most effective. 

This requires a moment to think about where the most waste is being created, and where employees will be most likely to accept changes to the office. For instance, if you switch out the paper towels in the bathrooms for reusable towels – will this bother employees, or do you think they could get on board with the change?

Conducting an anonymous survey at your company is a great way to determine which sustainable office supplies are likely to be most well received by your employees.

Small Ideas to Transition to Sustainable Office Supplies

Next, it’s time to think of small ideas to slowly make your office supplies more sustainable.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Buy Second-Hand Items – Thrift shopping isn’t only a way to reduce the environmental impact of clothing, but for office supplies too – as your company could buy an already-used white board or old stationary, giving these office supplies a chance at a second life. 
  • Kitchen Utensils – This is an easy and inexpensive way to employ the use of sustainable office supplies, as switching to the use of glass jars or biodegradable kitchen utensils can allow employees to see the benefit of adopting greener practices. 
  • Cleaning Supplies – A simple switch to more natural, chemical-free cleaning supplies for the bathroom is a start to making your office supplies more sustainable. Other ideas include motion-activated water faucets to reduce water usage, or using washable cloth towels instead of paper towels. 

Create a Bigger Shift to Using Sustainable Office Supplies

Once the smaller adjustments to facilitate the transition have been made, your company can make bolder moves – such as by giving your office a sustainable design makeover, or getting rid of all plastic or traditional ink cartridges. 

However, it is important to employ a slower transition process – as too many sustainable office supplies too soon could prove off-putting to your employees, discourage them from using them, and deem them ultimately ineffective. 

If your business needs further assistance on how to integrate sustainable office supplies and business practices, Greenly can help!

keyboard on wooden table with coffee and plant

What about Greenly?

If reading this article about sustainable office supplies has inspired you to consider your company’s own carbon footprint, Greenly can help.

At Greenly we can help you to assess your company’s carbon footprint, and then give you the tools you need to cut down on emissions. We offer a free demo for you to better understand our platform and all that it has to offer – including assistance on how to reduce emissions, optimize energy efficiency, and more to help you get started on your climate journey.

Learn more about Greenly’s carbon management platform here.

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Town of Gilford, New Hampshire Government 


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