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Minimalism and Its Environmental Benefits
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Minimalism and Its Environmental Benefits

EcologyInitiatives & Lifestyle
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In this article, we’ll explain what minimalism is, how it can benefit the environment, and if it really is one of the best ways to fight climate change.

In 2025, many of us are aware that the negative effects of climate change have made themselves more than comfortable – as erratic weather patterns and natural disasters such as the Los Angeles 2025 wildfires continue at an unprecedented pace, but can something like minimalism really make a difference?

As people strive to help reduce the harmful effects of climate change, many are turning to minimalism – which can help to mitigate plastic waste and excess consumerism.

In this article, we’ll explain what minimalism is, how it can benefit the environment, and if it really is one of the best ways to fight climate change.

What is minimalism?

Minimalism refers to the consistent practice to live and consume only the most compulsory things, such as by only buying food, clothes, and electronics as necessary.

💡As a whole, people who practice minimalism aim to own as little as possible – as their houses are often characterised as being clutter-free and often opting for a sleek design to enhance their lack of “stuff”.

I make myself rich, by making my wants few. – (Thoreau).
man on wood floor

Key Features of Minimalism

Luckily, minimalism can be applied across various aspects of life – such as with your shopping bags, online purchasing habits, tupperware in the kitchen, sustainable fashion, eco-friendly packaging, and more.

Here are some of the main points and goals of minimalism: 

  • Simplicity – Minimalism isn’t big on loud, gaudy patterns – such as neon colored clothing or eye-dizzying wallpapers. Instead, minimalism opts for clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and neutral, earth-toned colors. 
  • Functionality – When adhering to the principles of minimalism, every item that a person owns should serve a function – such as a laptop for remote work and refraining from purchasing a gaming system if you rarely play video games.
  • Neutral Colors – Minimalism can easily be spotted for its neutral tones, such as greys, bridges, whites, and blacks – ultimately avoiding bright or excessive color patterns like from Lilly Pulitzer.
  • Quality Over Quantity – Minimalism is based on owning a few, high quality items as opposed to owning enough clothing from Forever 21 to avoid having to do the laundry for a month. Someone following minimalism will also seek to own items with craftsmanship and ethical sourcing in mind. 
  • Less Clutter – Minimalism should feel a lot like when you step into a hotel room: clutter-free desks and organised shelves. Therefore, minimalism prides itself on removing excess papers, items, and more that could be distracting.
  • Intentionality – Minimalism focuses on mindful consumption, such as by avoiding impulse purchases or last-minute shopping which could prove unnecessary later on. 
  • Use of Natural Elements – Minimalism will strive to utilise natural elements such as the sun instead of artificial lighting, often basing the interior design to accommodate for natural lighting with large windows and using wood, stone, and plants to accentuate the space. 
  • Focus on Sustainability – Minimalism also follows the ideals of green living, such as by working towards reducing waste, opting for reusable items or bulk shopping, and choosing more sustainable materials when shopping. 

👉 As a whole, minimalism is considered both a lifestyle and philosophy to highlight the benefits of simplicity and opting for functionality – in a sense, quality over quantity.

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Why is minimalism important in the midst of climate change?

Minimalism is important in the midst of climate change as it can help to instill long-term, effective habits that if everyone followed – could have a substantial effect on the current climate crisis. 

💡One of the most challenging aspect of climate change is our excessive consumerism culture, as shown in countries such as the United States – where is it common to upgrade to the newest iPhone or switch up your wardrobe for the sake of “Keeping up with the Joneses.

I've learned that minimalism isn't about what you own, it's about why you own it. – (Brian Gardner).

Here’s why else minimalism is important in the midst of climate change:

Long-Term Inspiration for Future Generations

Unfortunately, it is more than probable that our children and grandchildren will face even more deleterious consequences of climate change – meaning its up to us to set them up for more sustainable living habits now. 

This can include:

  • Encouraging younger generations to buy less stuff and focus on essentials
  • Spark their already existing passion for sustainability such as in fashion
  • Avoiding single-use plastics and guiding younger generations to use reusable items instead such as reusable water bottles and shopping bags

Reduce Our Global Carbon Footprint

If everyone became interested in and starting adhering to the principles of minimalism, there would likely be a significant reduction in the amount of global GHG emissions – as industrial processes would no longer be obliged to keep up with the current rate of supply and demand. 

Furthermore, many minimalist homes focus on energy efficiency and green infrastructure, both of which reduce the need for air conditioning or central heating – which would effectively reduce emissions worldwide.

Mindful Use of Finite Resources

A minimalist lifestyle often means opting for more energy-efficient-friendly habits, such as by taking shorter showers or using energy-saving technologies.

As a whole, these habits can help to reduce dependency on electricity and ultimately help to reduce global GHG emissions. 

The table below will list a few more reasons why minimalism is more important now than ever before:

Reason Explanation Impact
Sustainable Choices Minimalism encourages purchasing high-quality, eco-friendly, and ethically sourced products, reducing environmental harm. By choosing sustainable materials and long-lasting products, waste and pollution are minimised, contributing to a healthier planet.
Encourages a Circular Economy Minimalism promotes reusing, repairing, and recycling rather than discarding, supporting a more sustainable economic system. This reduces resource depletion and landfill waste, helping lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with production.
Supports Ethical and Local Consumption Minimalists often prefer buying from local and ethical sources, reducing the environmental impact of transportation and supporting sustainable practices. Local consumption decreases carbon footprints and supports businesses that prioritise environmental responsibility.

👉 Ultimately, minimalism could be a game changer as our globe grapples with the harmful effects of climate change – seeing as minimalism places a strong emphasis on sustainable living and using reusable and renewable resources whenever possible. 

light in corner green wall

What are the environmental benefits of minimalism?

There are several environmental benefits to minimalism, such as via reduced plastic waste, less deforestation, and helping to reduce the emissions created on behalf of international shipments. 

💡Minimalism as a whole can decrease the need for supply chains to provide industrial providers and machinery with finite resources, ultimately helping to reduce the demand of consumerism and overall emissions.

Look at that sea girls... all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy it more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.  – (Anne of Green Gables).

Here are some of the environmental benefits of minimalism:

  • Less Environmental Degradation – Producing and transporting goods often contributes to deforestation, as many big-name corporations will decide to cut down trees – ultimately harming the existing habitats and contributing to air pollution. Therefore, minimalism can help with the environmental consequences of industrialisation by reducing overall demand of these goods. 
  • Reduced GHG Emissions from Shipping – In 2022 alone, international shipments accounted for a whopping 2% of global energy-related emissions. Minimalism can help reduce this overwhelming figure, as minimalism often focuses on purchasing local products – such as from a farmer’s market or an individual retailer. 
  • Mitigate the Impact Plastic – Single use plastics, and even microplastics, can prove harmful not only to the environment but for our own bodies – as microplastics can be found in food we eat and contribute to various forms of cancer. Since minimalism will encourage the use of reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and storage containers – it can directly help to avoid the harmful effects of plastic on the environment.

👉 Overall, minimalism can have a profoundly positive impact on the environment – as it can help to reduce GHG emissions, dependency on finite resources, and can help our global economy from contributing to excess international freight emissions.

clean desk in white room

How else can minimalism improve your life?

Minimalism can not only be beneficial to the environment, but it could help to improve your own life – both personally and professionally.

💡Minimalism can be a great choice for those looking to improve their mental health, cut back on necessary costs, or even just promote their overall well-being and happiness levels.

I would rather own a little and see the world, than own the world and see a little. – (Alexander Sattler).

Benefits of Minimalism

Here are some ways that minimalism could improve your life:

  • Cost Savings – Minimalism will encourage you to stop spending money on things you don’t really need, and could help you to save money for something that could provide more long-term satisfaction – such as the trip of a lifetime or a down payment on your dream home.
  • Mental Health – Studies show that de-cluttering your home, often a hallmark of minimalism, can help you to stay more motivated and concentrate on tasks at hand without the distraction of too much stuff. This means that minimalism may help you to focus better on important work projects or be more present when spending time with family and friends, ultimately helping to improve and provide a more well-rounded life.
  • Physical Well-Being – Minimalism often encourages you to spend more time outdoors, connecting with nature or people in person – as opposed to spending time indoors with inanimate objects. This could help inspire you to reach a new level of fitness and personal satisfaction.

👉 Minimalism can help you to be more productive, save money, and encourage more time outside – all of which can help you to excel at work, your interpersonal relationships, and provide overall greater life satisfaction by focusing on things that matter the most.

minimalist room design

Is minimalism the best way to fight climate change?

Minimalism may not be the only or best way to fight climate change, as businesses and government bodies must play a part to reduce a significant portion of emissions which contribute to the current climate crisis, but it doesn’t mean that minimalism isn’t a great option to do your part in the fight against climate change. 

How to get started with minimalism

Here are a few easy ways to get started on your minimalism journey:

  • Declutter Your Home – One of the most approachable ways to minimalism is to remove an clutter from your space. Even getting rid of something small, such as an old pair of shoes or mail that’s been left on the counter for too long – can inspire you to get rid of more unused objects in your home. Remember, in terms of minimalism, it’s important to keep the environment in mind – which means making an effort to recycle or donate old items whenever possible, such as sharing old clothes with your local thrift store
  • Shopping Habits – A good shopping spree, especially during times like Black Friday, can be beyond tempting – but with minimalism, it’s important to ensure that these spending habits are justified. However, that doesn’t mean that shopping needs to be any less satisfying – it just means moderating your habits, such as waiting to buy that new pair of boots until there is a sale or buying your favorite cereal in bulk instead of from a plastic bag.
  • Sustainable Fashion – There’s a classic saying when it comes to clothes, “If you haven’t worn it in a year, let it go.” Odds are, a lot of hold onto old garments because they’re tied to a specific memory – even if they no longer serve a function in our lives anymore. It could be challenging, but trying to clean out your closet is a great way to dip your toes in the water with minimalism. 

Overall, minimalism is a great way to help the current climate crisis while also benefiting your own life – making minimalism a viable option for those looking to reduce their environmental impact in an approachable and sustainable way.

What About Greenly?

If reading this article on minimalism has inspired you to consider your company’s own carbon footprint, Greenly can help.

At Greenly we can help you to assess your company’s carbon footprint, and then give you the tools you need to cut down on emissions. We offer a free demo for you to better understand our platform and all that it has to offer – including assistance on how to reduce emissions, optimise energy efficiency, and more to help you get started on your climate journey.

Learn more about Greenly’s carbon management platform here.

Carbon Footprint dashboard

Becoming Minimalist 

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