75% of tourists are changing their travel habits to be more environmentally friendly. Easily measure your carbon footprint and identify the most important reduction opportunities to offer your customers a more climate-friendly experience.
Tourism is responsible for about 8% of the world's carbon emissions. Some of the biggest contributors include transportation, shopping, and food.
In 2019, a study by the UNWTO and ITF concluded that transportation-related emissions are expected to increase by at least 25 percent by 2030.
75% of tourists are changing their travel habits to be more environmentally friendly.
Seamlessly measure the carbon footprint of your business through our platform. Integrate your data in just a few minutes, and our climate expert team will help you through every step of the process.
In addition to learning about its environmental impact, your company will be able to define a documented action plan to effectively and sustainably reduce its GHG emissions.
Offer a carbon calculator on your website, or allow visitors to access information about their impact by calling on you for their stay.
The Low Carbon Tourism © label is a certification dedicated to the world of travel and tourism. It rewards organizations that have chosen to improve their environmental performance by carrying out a carbon assessment.
83% of travelers believe that sustainable tourism is essential. Integrate sustainability criteria into your offer to attract and educate tourists from around the world.
Strengthen loyalty and meet travelers' expectations with ambitious certifications such as Green Globe, Green Key or Les Ecogites®.
1.8 billion are expected to travel internationally in 2030. Make your structure more sustainable and respectful of the planet today to limit global warming.
We get your employees involved through custom sustainability training from our climate experts and survey their habits to create the most accurate carbon footprint report possible.
Our platform reduces the effort required to carry out a carbon assessment, allowing you to focus on your strategic action plans for reducing emissions.
From the very beginning, our team of climate experts will guide you step-by-step through this journey, ultimately making you a true sustainability expert.
Greenly's secret recipe: state-of-the-art technology coupled with a team of climate experts to support you at every stage of your company's transition to a sustainable model.
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