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The media that breaks down green news for businesses, and for the rest of the world.

Featured Stories

person on ipad surrounded by plants
Stephanie Safdie

Redefining Profit: How Green Marketing is Shaping the Future

In this article, we’ll review what green marketing is, why it is important, and how businesses should adjust their own marketing tactics accordingly in order to align with a greener future.

Net zero trajectory
meals in white bowls on light blue counter
Stephanie Safdie

What is the Environmental Impact of Meal Kits?

Meal Kits are becoming the biggest cooking trend across the United States, but are meal kits as sustainable as we think they are? What is the real environmental impact of meal kits? In this article, we’ll break down the emissions created by meal kits and whether or not meal kits are worth the purchase for those looking to become more sustainable.

arial shot of flooded town and buildings
Kara Anderson

How the Flood Damage Bill Will Increase With Climate Change

Why is climate change increasing the threat of flooding? What impact Why is climate change increasing the threat of flooding? What impact does this have on communities? And what are the economic repercussions?

Global Warming
polluted water city in the distance
Stephanie Safdie

Water Pollution: Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Why is water pollution bad for the environment, what causes water pollution, and why is it imperative to rectify the current state of water pollution for the sake of the planet and human health?

Global Warming
woman holding leaf
Kara Anderson

Why Companies Pretending to Be Carbon Neutral Cause Harm

In this article we’ll explore why companies are using claims such as carbon neutral to boost their profits, and how this is not only harming the environment but also their business.

Net zero trajectory
canadian flag
Stephanie Safdie

OSFI's new Guidelines on Climate Risk Management

What is OSFI, or the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, and how will the new guidelines released by OSFI on climate risk management help OSFI to continue curating a trustworthy financial industry for Canadians?

Legislation & Standards
fruit in bowl
Stephanie Safdie

How Food Supply is Threatened by Climate Change

How is food supply affected by climate change, what are the consequences of rising global emissions on the supply of food around the world, and is there a way to replenish the current scarce supply of food?

green notebook with wooden pencil on table with plant
Stephanie Safdie

What is the PBAF Standard and Why is it Useful?

What is the PBAF standard, why is it useful for financial institutions seeking to become more sustainable, and why does it place such a heavy importance on biodiversity?

Legislation & Standards
fist punching through water
Stephanie Safdie

Water Waste in the US: What are the Figures?

How much water is being wasted by the average American in the U.S.? In this article, we’ll discuss the figures on water waste in the U.S. and how those figures could be reduced through conservation techniques.

Global Warming
rocket blasting towards space
Stephanie Safdie

Could a Rocket Launch Really Become 'Green' and Sustainable?

What are rocket launches, and is it possible for them to become greener or more sustainable to avoid negatively impacting the environment or from producing excessive emissions or amounts of black carbon?

dry earth
Kara Anderson

Why Is Drought Such a Problem for the Economy?

In this article, we’ll dive into the economic toll of drought across key sectors and explore what can be done to lessen the damage.

Global Warming