Climate change in the United States is infamously taking the joy out of summer festivities like Labor Day weekend and the Fourth of July, as people struggle to breathe clean air and sweat like there’s no tomorrow – but what about groundwater and our water usage?
Groundwater has served as a backup source for both agricultural and aesthetic purposes, but those reserves may be running low – and may leave stereotypical, bright green American laws to turn barren and brown.
In this article, we’ll discuss what groundwater is, why groundwater loss is occurring in the United States, and some of the solutions that can be made to rectify this newfound issue.
First off, groundwater itself refers to the water that is found underground – such as in between cracks or spaces you often step over in a field of grass. Groundwater moves at slower speeds, as it aids in the geologic formation of things like soil, sand, and even rocks.
If you’ve ever imagined or seen a movie where someone goes to a well to get a bucket of water, it isn’t just a cinematic trope – as this method was used well up until the 20th century.
However, these days – we’ve created special technology that has made the use of traditional wells obsolete. As a result, utilizing the reservoirs of groundwater has been a common practice – one that has allowed the U.S. to provide essential needs in the midst of droughts.
👉 Did you know that around 50% of the United States relies on groundwater to provide drinking water to Americans?
Groundwater is part of the natural water cycle, which usually consists of the following processes:
👉 The water cycle continues to repeat, and seeing as the U.S. continues to tap into already dwindling groundwater reserves – it raises the question if this practice has been good for the United States and the water cycle in the long run.
Knowing you have reserves of groundwater in the event of a water shortage can be a great relief, especially in the midst of a drought – but if it’s used without caution and moderation in mind, resourcing to the use of groundwater can have negative consequences.
When groundwater use is abused, the following can occur:
👉 However, the main issue with groundwater loss is that it contributes to aquifer depletion – which can take thousands of years to replenish on its own.
The United States is known to be one of the most powerful and resourceful countries in the world.
However, that being said – sometimes the country takes their ability to acquire valuable resources with ease a little too far, such as with their groundwater reserves.
👉 The same analogy serves for the United States with their groundwater inheritance, as the country has essentially burned through all of their reserves and is now scrambling how to make do without their previous backup supply of water.
Within the last 20 years, the United States has experienced numerous droughts – some of which has resulted in political challenges, such as which states should be allowed to receive more water from vital sources such as the Colorado River.
In fact, as of September 2020 – as much as 40% of the U.S. population has been experiencing drought-like conditions. The answer seems to be simple: if there’s no available water on the surface, then it’s time to make use of our technological advances and refer to groundwater usage.
Luckily enough for the United States, the country has access to the High Plains aquifer – which resides in the Midwest of the U.S. and spans over 174,000 square miles, serving as a main water source for much of the surrounding agricultural land.
However, after decades of relying on groundwater for basic needs like drinking water and farming – the U.S. is hitting an all-time low on available groundwater.
Much of this crisis can be attributed to the fact that Americans have changed their diet, seeing as the average American eats around 100 pounds of chicken each year. This change is likely due to efforts in order to reduce red meat consumption, and while this is good for both the population's health and the planet – it still results in excessive groundwater loss. In addition to this, Americans have started to eat more cheese – which also requires exorbitant amounts of groundwater to produce and meet the current demand.
Therefore, is important to note that groundwater loss is not only a societal issue, but an economic one – seeing as the U.S. substantially relies on its agricultural sector for profit, bringing in $183 billion in 2022 alone.
The negative effects of groundwater loss have already kicked in for the U.S. economy. For example, states like Kansas, known for its massive aquifer underneath 2.6 million acres – are no longer able to support corn production. Other states impacted include California, Utah, and Texas – where so much water is being pumped underground that cracks in pedestrian roads have started to show up. Therefore, groundwater loss could also result in infrastructure issues in the near future.
👉 The issue presented with deteriorating levels of groundwater now is that the United States has become too accustomed to using groundwater, and has avoiding solving the root cause of the problem – which is excess water usage.
The problem with groundwater is that it currently supports 90% of the country’s water supply, but as groundwater sources are getting sparser by the day – it’s time for the U.S. to find alternatives to keeping up with the supply and demand for viable water.
Thankfully, there are multiple potential replacements to the use of groundwater that can be used in the United States, such as:
Implementing more research into the development of desalination, which could allow us to create safe and usable water from our oceans – making up 70% of the planet.
The following should be kept in mind when seeking to collect water from these alternative sources:
👉 However, the issue with groundwater isn’t just businesses, large corporations, or even farmers that use it – but the average citizen, such as in public buildings or at the community swimming pool.
How can Americans seek to reduce their own groundwater “footprint”?
Working to mitigate further loss of groundwater in the U.S. is becoming more paramount than ever seeing as the availability of freshwater supply continues to dwindle.
However, it won’t be impossible to reverse this trend – here are just a few ways the United States could cut back on using groundwater:
Basically, seeking to reduce your use of individual groundwater usage entails seeking to reduce your consumption of water as a whole – and there are multiple ways you can do this.
Here are just a few ideas for the average American to help reduce their own water consumption that may rely on the use of groundwater:
Ultimately, it will be hard for the U.S. to reverse its habit of relying on groundwater to sustain vital parts of day-to-day human activities – but it is possible, and we have to start now before there are no more wishes left at the well able to restore the country’s economy.
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