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GreenlyGreenly, la plateforme tout-en-un dédiée à toutes les entreprises désireuses de mesurer, piloter et réduire leurs émissions de CO2.
What is a Carbon Sink?
Blog...What is a Carbon Sink?

What is a Carbon Sink?

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grass with flowers and forest in the distance
In this article, we will delve into the nature of carbon sinks, their importance, and the growing threats they face.
grass with flowers and forest in the distance

Carbon sinks are crucial components in the fight against climate change. These natural systems, such as oceans, forests, and soils, absorb about half of the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced by human activities, significantly mitigating the rise in global temperatures. Unfortunately, human activities are increasingly threatening these vital carbon sinks, potentially turning them into carbon sources if their destruction continues unchecked.

👉 In this article, we will delve into the nature of carbon sinks, their importance, and the growing threats they face.

What is a carbon sink?

A carbon sink, often referred to as a carbon pool, is any system that absorbs more carbon than it releases, effectively removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and storing it in solid or liquid form. This process, known as carbon sequestration, is critical in mitigating the effects of climate change by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Natural carbon sinks:

  • Forests: Trees and plants absorb CO2 during photosynthesis, storing carbon in their biomass (trunks, branches, leaves, and roots) and soil. Forests are some of the largest and most efficient carbon sinks, playing a vital role in the global carbon cycle.
  • Oceans: The world’s oceans absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through physical and biological processes. Phytoplankton in surface waters use CO2 for photosynthesis, while physical processes like the dissolution of CO2 in seawater also play a significant role.
  • Soil: Soils store carbon from decaying plant and animal matter, with microorganisms and soil fauna contributing to the sequestration process. Healthy soils with high organic content are significant carbon reservoirs.
Forest full of green trees

Artificial carbon sinks:

  • Landfill sites: Although primarily known for waste disposal, modern landfill sites can act as carbon sinks by trapping organic waste that decomposes anaerobically, producing methane that can be captured and used as an energy source.
  • Carbon capture and storage (CCS): This technology involves capturing CO2 emissions from industrial sources or the atmosphere and storing it underground in geological formations. It is hoped that CCS will play an important role in reducing industrial carbon footprints and mitigating climate change, however, much of the technology is still in development or struggles to get sufficient funding to scale up.
power plant at night

💡 Carbon sinks are essential in maintaining the balance of the carbon cycle and regulating the Earth’s climate. They help offset the billions of tons of CO2 emitted by human activities each year, preventing drastic increases in global temperatures. However, human activities such as deforestation, land-use changes, and pollution are damaging these natural carbon sinks, reducing their capacity to absorb CO2 and potentially turning them into carbon sources.

  • Understanding and protecting carbon sinks is crucial for sustainable environmental management and combating climate change. By preserving and enhancing these natural systems and developing effective artificial solutions, we can significantly reduce atmospheric CO2 levels and mitigate global warming.
seaweed in the ocean

How does the carbon cycle work?

Carbon is fundamental to life on Earth. As the backbone of organic molecules, carbon atoms are integral to our bodies, our food, and our environment. It is the fourth most abundant element in the universe. On Earth, carbon atoms cycle continuously through a closed system, meaning no carbon is lost to or gained from space. This perpetual movement of carbon atoms within Earth's atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere is known as the carbon cycle.

The carbon cycle involves the continuous movement of carbon within Earth's systems. Understanding how carbon moves through these different reservoirs is essential for comprehending its role in climate regulation and life on Earth.

The table below outlines the key reservoirs of carbon and their functions within the carbon cycle:

Carbon Reservoir Description
Atmospheric carbon Carbon exists in the atmosphere primarily as carbon dioxide (CO2). Plants, through photosynthesis, absorb CO2, converting it into organic matter and releasing oxygen. This process is vital for life on Earth, providing the foundation of the food web.
Carbon in the biosphere Plants, animals, and microorganisms all contain carbon. When plants and animals die, their organic matter decomposes, returning carbon to the soil. Microorganisms play a crucial role in breaking down this organic matter, releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere through respiration.
Carbon in the oceans Oceans are significant carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Marine organisms, like phytoplankton, use CO2 for photosynthesis, forming the base of the marine food web. Carbon also gets stored in the ocean’s depths, both in dissolved form and as part of marine sediments.
Geological carbon Over millions of years, carbon can become trapped in fossil fuels - coal, oil, and natural gas - formed from ancient plant and animal matter. Volcanic eruptions and the weathering of rocks also release carbon back into the atmosphere, while sedimentation traps it in geological formations.
Human impact Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, release significant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, disrupting the natural carbon cycle. This increase in atmospheric CO2 contributes to global warming and climate change.

Balancing the cycle: The carbon cycle involves two main processes:

  • Carbon sources - These release carbon into the atmosphere. Natural sources include respiration, decomposition, and volcanic activity. Human activities, like burning fossil fuels and deforestation, are major contributors.
  • Carbon sinks - These absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere. Natural sinks include forests, oceans, and soils. Artificial methods, like carbon capture and storage, also play a role.

The balance between these sources and sinks maintains the carbon equilibrium. When this balance is disrupted, it leads to increased atmospheric CO2 levels, affecting the global climate.

The importance of maintaining the carbon cycle

Maintaining the carbon cycle's balance is crucial for sustaining life and mitigating climate change. Efforts to preserve and enhance natural carbon sinks, reduce carbon emissions, and develop sustainable technologies are essential steps in ensuring a stable and healthy environment for future generations.

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Why is the carbon cycle out of balance?

The carbon cycle is essential for maintaining the Earth's temperature and ensuring climate stability. However, human activities have significantly disrupted this natural equilibrium.

Climate change and global warming

Global warming, driven by human activities, is the primary catalyst for climate change. Increased levels of global greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere lead to more frequent and severe weather events such as flooding, tropical storms, and droughts. Global warming also impairs the ability of natural carbon sinks to absorb CO2:

  • Forests and vegetation: Higher temperatures and droughts are killing plants and forests, reducing their capacity to absorb CO2.
  • Oceans: Warmer ocean temperatures decrease the water's ability to absorb CO2, as cooler water can absorb more CO2.

As these natural systems are compromised, their ability to mitigate climate change diminishes, leading to a feedback loop that exacerbates global warming. Protecting and restoring these carbon sinks is essential to managing and reducing the impacts of climate change.

Industrial Revolution and fossil fuels

The Industrial Revolution marked a turning point in human history, leading to technological and societal advancements. However, it also initiated our heavy reliance on fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil. Burning these fossil fuels releases vast amounts of CO2, which is one of the primary drivers of climate change and global warming.

Deforestation and land-use changes

Forests act as significant carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 through photosynthesis. Deforestation, driven by agriculture, logging, and urbanization, reduces the number of trees available to absorb CO2. Additionally, the conversion of forests into agricultural land releases stored carbon into the atmosphere, further exacerbating the problem.

  • The Amazon, the world's largest tropical forest, is often described as the Earth's lungs due to its significant role in absorbing CO2. Unfortunately, deforestation for agricultural land and logging is severely impairing the Amazon's ability to function as a carbon sink. Researchers warn that the damage could be so severe that the Amazon might become a carbon source as early as the next decade, exacerbating global warming.

Industrial farming

Industrial farming practices are another harmful human activity that impacts the Earth's soil's ability to capture and store carbon. Not only does agriculture contribute as much as 23% of all greenhouse gas emissions, but it also affects the ability of soil to absorb and store CO2.

Healthy soil is a mix of microbes and carbon. Without these elements, it becomes dry earth, incapable of supporting plant life.

  • Impact: Intensive farming practices harm soil health by depleting vital nutrients and releasing carbon into the atmosphere through practices such as tilling (churning the soil to expose deeper layers for crop planting).

Industrial emissions

Industrial processes, including cement production and metal refining, release substantial amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. These emissions are a significant factor in the disruption of the carbon cycle.

Waste management

Improper waste management, particularly in landfills, leads to the decomposition of organic waste, producing methane. Although modern landfills can capture some of this methane for energy, significant amounts still escape into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Ocean acidification

The oceans absorb a large portion of the excess CO2 from the atmosphere, leading to ocean acidification. This process harms marine life, particularly coral reefs, and organisms that rely on calcium carbonate to form their shells and skeletons. Acidification also affects the ocean's ability to absorb CO2, further disrupting the carbon cycle.


What happens to this excess carbon?

All the excess CO2 produced through human activities needs to be accounted for. Here's where it goes:

Absorption by carbon sinks - Around half of the excess CO2 is absorbed by the Earth's carbon sinks, such as forests, oceans, and soils. These sinks play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of human-induced carbon emissions.

Trapped in the atmosphere - The remainder of the excess CO2 stays in the atmosphere. This trapped CO2 is the primary driver of global warming, as it creates a greenhouse effect by trapping heat, which warms the planet and accelerates climate change.

Consequences of rising CO2 levels:

  • Global warming: Increased atmospheric CO2 levels enhance the greenhouse effect, leading to higher global temperatures.
  • Extreme weather events: Rising temperatures contribute to more frequent and severe weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods.
  • Disruption of weather patterns: Climate change alters global weather patterns, impacting ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Threat to life: The effects of climate change pose significant risks to the survival of various species, including humans, by disrupting food and water supplies and increasing the frequency of natural disasters.

What are the Earth's natural carbon sinks?


The ocean is the world's largest carbon sink, absorbing about 25% of all CO2 emissions and capturing 90% of the excess heat generated by these emissions. The oceans utilize two primary methods to absorb carbon:

  • Chemical Reactions: CO2 dissolves in seawater, reacting to form carbonic acid, which lowers the ocean’s pH and contributes to ocean acidification.
  • Photosynthesis: Marine organisms like plankton and algae absorb CO2 and convert it into organic matter through photosynthesis, releasing oxygen. Some of this carbon sinks to the ocean depths as organic debris, where it can be stored for centuries.


Forests are among our most crucial carbon sinks, absorbing around 30% of the carbon emissions released from burning fossil fuels. They sequester CO2 through photosynthesis, converting it into biomass and storing it in various forms:

  • Biomass: Living trees and plants store carbon in their leaves, branches, trunks, and roots.
  • Deadwood and Litter: Fallen leaves, branches and dead trees contribute to the carbon stored on the forest floor.
  • Soil: Decomposed organic matter in forest soils further sequesters carbon.


Soil is another crucial carbon sink, storing carbon as soil organic matter (SOM), which includes decomposed plant and animal material. Soil can retain carbon for millennia, influenced by factors such as climate, water levels, and vegetation.

  • Peatlands: These are wetland areas with waterlogged organic soils, which store large amounts of CO2. The carbon is preserved in biomass, as the wet conditions slow down decomposition, preventing the release of CO2 back into the atmosphere.
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Decreasing capacity of carbon sinks

The capacity of natural carbon sinks to absorb CO2 has been declining over time, which is a growing concern for scientists. According to research conducted by NASA, in 1959, natural carbon sinks removed about 60% of the CO2 produced by human activities. Today, this number has dropped to around 55%.

This decrease signifies that these natural systems are becoming less effective at mitigating the impact of human-induced carbon emissions. As the efficiency of these sinks declines, more CO2 remains in the atmosphere, accelerating global warming and climate change. The trend underscores the urgent need for enhanced conservation strategies and innovative solutions to bolster the capacity of natural and artificial carbon sinks.

Industrial power plant

Can artificial carbon sinks provide a solution?

With the declining efficiency of natural carbon sinks, there is a growing interest in whether artificial carbon sinks can provide a viable solution to global warming. But what exactly are artificial carbon sinks, and how do they work?

Artificial carbon sinks rely on technology to capture carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or from industrial processes, and then either store or repurpose it. This approach, known as carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), is becoming increasingly important as natural carbon sinks are under threat and unable to absorb all the excess CO2 being emitted.

Direct Air Capture (DAC)

Direct Air Capture technology is one of the most promising artificial carbon sink solutions. DAC systems use large fans to pull air from the atmosphere, passing it through chemical filters that extract CO2. This captured CO2 can then be utilized or stored in several ways:

  • Utilization: The captured CO2 can be used in various industrial applications, such as in the production of synthetic fuels, plastics, and carbonated beverages. This not only helps in reducing the overall CO2 levels but also adds economic value.
  • Storage: The separated CO2 can be stored in geological formations, such as depleted oil and gas fields or deep saline aquifers. Alternatively, it can be injected into the ocean floor, where it is stored in liquid form under high pressure.

Industrial Waste Carbon Capture

Another method of artificial carbon sequestration is capturing CO2 emissions directly from industrial processes. Industrial waste carbon capture involves collecting CO2 produced as a by-product of industrial activities, such as cement manufacturing or fossil fuel combustion before it is released into the atmosphere. This captured CO2 can also be utilized or stored.

  • Utilization: Similar to DAC, CO2 captured from industrial processes can be repurposed for various applications, reducing the need for new raw materials and decreasing overall emissions.
  • Storage: Captured CO2 can be injected into underground geological formations for long-term storage. This method helps prevent CO2 from entering the atmosphere, thereby mitigating its impact on climate change.

The problem with carbon capture, utilisation, and storage

While artificial carbon sinks offer a novel way to increase carbon sequestration and mitigate climate change, the implementation of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies has encountered several significant challenges, preventing the widespread adoption and scalability of these systems.

Economic and financial challenges

One of the primary obstacles facing CCUS is the lack of established revenue streams, which results in poor business cases for investors and companies. The high costs associated with capturing and storing CO2, coupled with the absence of robust financial incentives, make it difficult for businesses to justify large-scale investments in these technologies. The economic feasibility of CCUS projects is further hampered by fluctuating market conditions and the lack of a stable carbon pricing mechanism that would make carbon capture more financially attractive.

Technological barriers

Many CCUS technologies remain in the developmental or pilot stages, with several technical hurdles yet to be overcome. The processes involved in capturing CO2 directly from the air or industrial sources are complex and energy-intensive, requiring significant advancements to become more efficient and cost-effective. Additionally, long-term carbon storage poses challenges, such as ensuring the integrity of geological storage sites to prevent leaks and monitoring these sites over extended periods.

Policy and regulatory issues

Insufficient policy support is another critical factor impeding the progress of CCUS. Effective implementation of these technologies requires comprehensive regulatory frameworks that provide clear guidelines and incentives for adoption. Current policies often lack the necessary support structures, such as subsidies, tax incentives, and robust carbon pricing, to promote the large-scale deployment of CCUS. Moreover, the regulatory landscape varies significantly across different regions, creating inconsistencies that further complicate the adoption of these technologies.

Project coordination and infrastructure

The complexities of project coordination and the inadequacy of existing infrastructure also pose significant challenges. CCUS projects require extensive collaboration between various stakeholders, including governments, industries, and research institutions. Coordinating these efforts can be challenging, particularly in regions with less developed industrial and energy infrastructures. Additionally, the infrastructure required for transporting and storing captured CO2, such as pipelines and storage facilities, is often lacking or underdeveloped, impacting the scalability of CCUS projects.

The future of CCUS

Despite these challenges, there is growing optimism within the CCUS market. The urgent need to address climate change is driving increased investment and innovation in this area. Governments and private sectors are beginning to recognize the potential of CCUS technologies, leading to a surge in funding for research and development. This renewed interest is supporting technological advancements and the upscaling of projects, which could overcome existing barriers and make CCUS a viable solution for carbon management.

What can we do to help improve the efficiency of carbon sinks

In addition to investing in the development of effective artificial carbon sinks, we must also focus on protecting and restoring the Earth's existing natural carbon sinks. Here are some key strategies to enhance the efficiency of these vital systems:

Sustainable forestry and ecosystem restoration

The Earth's forests absorb as much as 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, but they are increasingly threatened by human activities. To protect this vital carbon sink, we need to reduce forest destruction through sustainable forestry practices that preserve existing forests and support reforestation efforts in areas that have been lost.

  • Sustainable forestry practices: Implementing sustainable forestry practices involves managing forest resources in ways that maintain their biodiversity, productivity, and ecological processes. This includes selective logging, which allows forests to regenerate naturally, and reducing deforestation for agricultural expansion and urban development.
  • Reforestation and afforestation: Reforestation involves planting trees in deforested areas, while afforestation entails planting trees in regions that were not previously forested. Both practices help restore carbon-absorbing vegetation and improve biodiversity.

Reducing emissions

The capacity of our oceans to capture and store carbon dioxide is decreasing due to warming ocean temperatures caused by excess atmospheric CO2. Therefore, it is crucial for societies worldwide to take steps to decarbonize and eliminate their reliance on fossil fuels, the most harmful man-made carbon source.

  • Transition to renewable energy: Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower can significantly reduce carbon emissions and help stabilize global temperatures.
  • Energy efficiency: Improving energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industry can reduce the overall demand for energy and lower emissions.

Reducing plastic pollution

Plastic pollution in our oceans is incredibly harmful to organisms such as plankton and algae, which absorb more carbon than all of our plants and trees combined. Microplastics have been proven to affect their ability to absorb carbon dioxide, making it essential to address plastic pollution.

  • Reducing plastic use: Reducing the production and use of single-use plastics can help minimize the amount of plastic waste entering the oceans.
  • Cleaning up existing pollution: Initiatives to clean up existing plastic pollution, such as beach cleanups and ocean debris collection projects, can help restore marine ecosystems and improve their carbon-absorbing capacity.

Sustainable farming

Sustainable agricultural practices are crucial for preventing the deterioration of soil health and enhancing the ability of Earth's soil to act as a carbon sink.

  • Regenerative agriculture: This approach focuses on restoring soil health through practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, reduced tillage, and organic farming. These methods increase soil organic matter, improve soil structure, and enhance the soil's ability to sequester carbon.
  • Reducing chemical use: Minimising the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can reduce soil degradation and promote a healthier, more sustainable agricultural system.

👉 By adopting these strategies, we can significantly improve the efficiency of natural carbon sinks and enhance our ability to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Protecting and restoring these systems, alongside the development of artificial carbon sinks, is essential for maintaining a balanced carbon cycle and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.

people planting trees

How Greenly can help companies decarbonise and become more green

Carbon sinks are a vital part of the carbon cycle and are crucial when it comes to preventing further rises in our global average temperature and the rapid deterioration of our climate.

However, today's carbon sinks may become tomorrow's carbon sources if we don't do more to protect these vital systems.  This is why it's imperative that governments, companies, and individuals across the world take action to reduce our reliance on harmful fossil fuels and transition to a more sustainable way of existence - one that protects our natural carbon sinks and respects the Earth's natural processes.

At Greenly, we can help you assess your company's carbon footprint, and then give you the tools you need to reduce emissions. Our suite of services includes:

Carbon Management: Track Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions using advanced technology for a complete view of your greenhouse gas footprint.

Custom Action Plans: Develop tailored strategies with our climate experts, focusing on key areas for improvement and implementing effective changes.

Supply Chain Decarbonisation: Engage suppliers and transition to low-carbon options, achieving greater transparency and effectively managing Scope 3 emissions. Sustainable sourcing initiatives build greener partnerships and reduce emissions throughout your supply chain.

Intuitive and Seamless Platform: Our user-friendly platform simplifies the process of calculating and monitoring your carbon footprint. It helps your business manage its environmental impact effortlessly, meet ESG goals, and enhance sustainability.

👉 With Greenly’s help, your business can significantly reduce its environmental impact and achieve lasting sustainability. Contact Greenly today to start leading the way in sustainability and build a greener future for your company.

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