Photos, videos, emails, text messages – many of us use our phones so often these days, that we rely on “the cloud” to store much of our precious memories. As more people utilise cloud storage to gain access to their personal files across their various devices, data cloud storage has become more widespread – and so has its impact.
Evidently, all of this additional electrical consumption as a result of storing information on the cloud isn’t good for the environment.
In this article, we’ll explain what data storage is, its pros and cons, and what are the most sustainable alternatives for storing your digital information.
Data Storage, often referred to as “the cloud” is a method of storing documents, videos, photos, and all other kinds of various files on an internet server rather than on a backup hard drive, flash drive, or hard drive on a phone or computer itself.
💡Ergo, the term “the cloud” comes from the idea that your information is stored “in the air” or in an intangible place, unlike a hard drive or flash drive where the information can literally be held in your hands.
Many people use services for data storage such as iCloud by Apple to:
👉 In addition to Apple’s iCloud, other popular data storage services include Google Drive and Dropbox – with Google’s G Suite acquiring over 2 billion users.
Cloud Storage Platform | Pros | Cons |
Apple iCloud |
Google Drive |
Dropbox |
While we often refer to data storage as being “on the cloud” but it’s actually not the case – when you decide to save a file using data storage, your information is then stored in massive buildings filled with hard drives. These hard drives have to be running at all times, in the event you want to retrieve the files you’ve saved via data storage – contributing to the extensive electricity usage used by data storage.
We devised this figure in-house at Greenly by using the average emissions factor for electricity in the United States, which according to the International Energy Agency (IEA) – was around 0.4419 kgCO2e/kWh in 2021, this would come to 0.04 kgCO2e per year per GB – or 40kgCO2e per TB stored in a US datacenter. [Result derived from a direct Greenly calculation based on the quote above and the IEA emission factor]
💡 It is important to note that our estimates account for significant improvements in energy efficiency of data centers compared to previous estimates from educational institutions, such as 7 kWh per year as explained in Stanford magazine. Furthermore, the carbon impact of data storage per year is subject to change depending on the local electricity mix– as the impact could be divided or multiplied by 10.
For instance, a household with 2 people using 1 TB of data storage comes out to roughly 100 kWh per year – which would account for a whopping 5% of their typical annual energy consumption.
Imagine the carbon footprint of someone who has to store and send large files, such as a photographer or a video editor. Maybe some aren’t commuting to work anymore, but they are creating a large enough carbon footprint just by storing data on the cloud as if they were still driving to work – such as is depicted in our white paper on employee emissions. In our white paper, we explain how employees can emit between 0 and 200kgCO2e per year. This is approximately the same amount of emissions created for storage 1TB of data according to estimates above.
Precisely what happens when someone decides to save something on data storage like iCloud or Google Drive, is once you upload the particular file you wish to save, it is stored at a data center – somewhere in the world, and not necessarily geographically close to you. The reason why data storage creates such a large carbon footprint is because data centers use copious amounts of energy to keep their servers running: for switches, lights, HVAC and other special equipment and emergency power banks. Retrieving your data from the cloud may seem like a simple task on the outside, but in reality – significant amounts of energy are used incessantly to ensure a user’s 24/7 access to their data.
When you pay for a subscription to use data storage, you are basically paying “rent” on your allotted amount of space in the data storage center. That’s why the pricing for amounts of data differ. Just like an apartment – if the apartment you rent is smaller than in turn – you pay less. If you decide to move to a bigger apartment, the price of rent goes up. The logic works the same way with data storage.
👉 As of today, once you include all the devices that make use of data storage – these enters are responsible for 2% of global carbon emissions. However, besides the evident and enormous carbon footprint created by the use of data storage – there are a few other caveats to be considered.
In addition to excessive electricity and energy consumption, the use of data storage can impact the environment in the following ways:
👉 Despite the colossal negative impact created by data storage centers, they remain an accessible and convenient way for people to store additional information for both their professional and personal lives.
The most overarching benefit to data storage is the convenience of it. If I film a video on my iPhone, I can go home and it shows up on my iMac and my Macbook Pro. If I am in the middle of writing my book on a word document on my laptop, I can get up and walk to my desktop and pick up exactly where I left off.
💡Data storage doesn’t require lugging around an external hard drive. If something is to happen to one of your devices and the device can’t be repaired, all of your information is readily available to be downloaded again onto the new device.
In addition to this, data storage makes it easy to share files with co-workers around the world – something that has become increasingly useful as many businesses have shifted to full-time remote work following the pandemic. (to be deleted after re-write below is approved)
Despite the growing trend in countries such as the U.S., U.K., and France for employees to return to the office – many companies have decided to shift their operations to full-remote work. This demonstrates how data storage can prove useful for companies that have maintained employees from around the world, across various time zones – as it makes sharing files with co-workers easier and can help to ensure their work is continuously synchronised.
👉 In short, data storage is a simple, mindless way of ensuring that all of your important files are accessible regardless of the state of your device. It is a seamlessly integrated method of storing files so that you don’t have to think twice about backing up your devices, which many of us are guilty of forgetting to do.
There are several downsides to the use of data storage, such as needing to pay for the subscription service, additional energy consumption, the need for an active Wi-Fi connection, depending on the server’s speed and availability.
💡 While data storage centers can help avoid the need to store your information on an external hard drive, it also requires recurring costs and an active connection to access your files – making it inconvenient for those living and working in rural areas.
Here are some of the downsides to using data storage centers:
One of the greatest concerns when it comes to users who decide to store their data using data storage is the lack of privacy. When you opt to store your information on your laptop’s hard drive, external hard drive, or flash drive – it’s more difficult for a hacker to gain access to your information.
💡 However, when your personal photos or sensitive information is stored “on the cloud” – there’s always a chance of someone being able to gain access to your information, such as by accidentally responding to a phishing email or other misbehavior on behalf of the user.
In the event of a server crash, it’s possible that one could lose all of their data or temporarily lose access to it – whereas with a solid state drive or external hard drive, that would never be the case.
Data storage can also be costly. For instance, 2 terabytes of iCloud storage costs $10.99 a month – a total of $132 USD per year. It may not seem like a lot, but it’s definitely an expense I wish I didn’t have.
👉 The environmental impact of data storage is evident and hard to ignore, but its convenience is what keeps people subscribed to data storage services. Is there a way to get the best of both worlds in terms of external storage without subscribing to the possible negative outcomes of data storage?
The most sustainable and viable alternative to using data storage is to opt to store your excess files on an external hard drive, such as by using SSDs or HDDs for local data storage.
👉 External hard drives still require power to function, but they require a significantly less amount of energy to write your files and store them onto the disk in comparison to data storage.
The other more sustainable alternative to data storage, is to purchase a device with more storage to begin with. Many people opt for the least amount of storage when they buy a new phone or laptop because they don’t believe they will go through it all, or decide to rely on data storage for what their devices can’t handle.
However, if more people took the plunge and bought a device with more storage capability – then the demand for data storage would decrease, and everyone would indirectly be reducing their carbon footprint.
Additional options include:
It is important to remember that although the hardware found in data storage centers produce emissions, manufacturing individual hard drives also has a negative impact on our climate – seeing as hard drives require rare minerals to be extracted.
💡 In fact, according to Boavista’s database, hard drives can contribute anywhere between 10 to 100 kgCO2e per unit depending on the model chosen and its storage capacity.
While these profound environmental impacts are created by both the hardware found in data and personal external hard drives, the hardware in data storage centers is typically more efficient.
Additionally, data centers often optimise their resource use better – as they account for unused storage space, unlike individual external storage disks. Therefore, in this sense – purchasing an external hard drive can be more emissive than cloud storage.
Furthermore, there are many additional downsides to external hard drives as well that data storage usually solves – such as:
Ultimately, it is best to look for data on environmental practices from cloud provider or LCAs of individual hard drives – such as by conducting ideally do a comparative study of both options to determine which is the least carbon intensive mode of storage.
💡 Remember, we can also reduce our impact from data storage by deleting or refining unused and duplicated data.
Overall, there's no perfect solution to mitigate the current environmental impact of data storage, as every modality has some type of effect on the environment – but we can take small steps as households and businesses alike to reduce our carbon footprint created by data storage.
If reading this article about the carbon footprint of data storage has made you interested in reducing your carbon emission to further fight against climate change – Greenly can help you!
It can be overwhelming to figure out how to effectively reduce emissions from data storage within your business, but don’t worry – Greenly is here to help. Click here to schedule a demo to see how Greenly can help you find ways to ensure your company’s IT systems are running at tip-top speed while still keeping energy efficiency in mind.
Click here to learn more about Greenly and how we can help you reduce your carbon footprint and help you discover the green possibilities for IT.