The voice of impact

Your 5 min weekly brief on sustainability & climate news. 

Global Warming

colorful bugs
Global Warming
8 min

Is Bugs' Proliferation related to Climate Change?

8 min

Is the proliferation of Is bugs a good or bad thing for the environment, and what can be done to prevent bugs from repopulating at an exasperated rate?

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moisquito sitting on notebook
Global Warming
10 min

Why Are Mosquitoes More Dangerous with Climate Change?

10 min

In this article, we’ll talk about mosquitoes, why they’re dangerous, and why worsening climate change will only make mosquitoes more of a nuisance and overall threat to humans.

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Global Warming
20 min

The Complex Role of the Amazon Rainforest

20 min

In this article we’ll explore the importance of the Amazon rainforest, the threats it now faces, and what can be done to reverse the damage it’s sustained.

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fish swimming in water
Global Warming
8 min

What are Ocean Dead Zones?

8 min

In this article we’ll explore what ocean dead zones are, how they form, and what we can do to try and prevent them.

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person holding passport with money
Global Warming
9 min

How will Global Warming Affect the Global Economy?

9 min

How does global warming impact our global economy, what will be the consequences of climate change on our economic systems, and how could the world prevent global warming from influencing our global economy?

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Factory and lake with plastic pollution in India
Global Warming
9 min

Why is Climate Change a Huge Challenge for India

9 min

In this article we’ll explore how climate change is impacting India, how India is contributing to global warming, and what is being done to both mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts.

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hurricane from outer space
Global Warming
15 min

What is El Niño and Why does it Matter?

15 min

In this article, we'll explore what El Niño is, how it interacts with climate change, and the potential global consequences.

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cloudy nyc skyline
Global Warming
10 min

What is the Air Quality Index?

10 min

What is the air quality index, how does it work, why is it important in today’s society as climate change progresses, and how can air quality index be improved?

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naked tree and wildfire smoke in forest
Global Warming
11 min

Is Wildfire Smoke Dangerous for Health?

11 min

What is wildfire smoke, why is it dangerous for human health, and why has it been the subject of news in Canada, the Northeastern coast of the United States, the midwest, and most recently L.A.?

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trees burning with red flames and embers
Global Warming
9 min

Canada Wildfires: Causes, Consequences and Lessons

9 min

In this article we’ll explore why the Canada wildfires have been especially bad this year, what the link to climate change is, and what can be done to reduce the risk of wildfires in the future.

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