The voice of impact

Your 5 min weekly brief on sustainability & climate news. 

Global Warming

street thats packed with people
Global Warming
9 min

Why population growth is an issue

9 min

In this article, we'll delve deeper into the multifaceted impact of population growth on the environment and explore why it demands our urgent attention.

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houses destroyed from earthquakes
Global Warming
7 min

Does Climate Change Have an Impact on Earthquakes?

7 min

In this article, we’ll explore what earthquakes are, the consequences and damages that they cause, and if climate change really has an impact on earthquakes.

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people planting trees
Global Warming
11 min

Indigenous communities and climate change

11 min

In this article, we’ll explore the ways in which climate change is impacting indigenous communities, as well as why they are often best placed to act as stewards of the vulnerable ecosystems on which they depend.

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cliffs off of the coast of hawaii
Global Warming
8 min

Why Are the Hawaii Wildfires a Serious Turning Point?

8 min

In this article, we’ll explore the current wildfires in Hawaii, what caused them, what the state can do moving forward to protect itself from the effects of climate change – and why the current wildfires in Hawaii are a serious turning point.

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wildfires in mountains
Global Warming
9 min

Is the era of global boiling truly new?

9 min

We are entering the era of global boiling. But has Planet Earth ever experienced a similar period? The answer is "yes".

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wildfire in forest
Global Warming
8 min

State Farm Insurance Limits Coverage for Climate Risks

8 min

Why have some insurance companies, such as State Farm, limited their coverage options to customers in the midst of global warming – and how does this decision ultimately impact society in the midst of numerous natural disasters?

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Why is the hottest day ever recorded concerning, why is the world getting hotter, and is there a way that humans can prevent temperatures from rising even more than they ever have?
Global Warming
8 min

What Was the Hottest Day Ever Recorded on Earth?

8 min

Why is the hottest day ever recorded concerning, why is the world getting hotter, and is there a way that humans can prevent temperatures from rising even more than they ever have?

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 Eco Echoes
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