Smart engages Greenly's support on their mission towards carbon neutrality

Smart is an independent advertising technology company that provides platforms and connects publishers and marketers through programmatic advertising. Our mission is to provide transparency, offer value path optimization, and ensure publishers and buyers are receiving their fair share in the adtech ecosystem.


Date of creation


Number of employees




Year analyzed

Analysis of the results


tCO2 / employee

Total carbon emissions

Icone avec dessin d'avion


Number of round trips Paris / New York

Icone Co2


Annual emissions in number of French people

Icone avec dessin d'arbres


Hectares of growing forest needed to compensate

This is a constructive first step for us. As we want to be part of a sustainable ad ecosystem, it is our duty to understand, measure, and monitor our impact. At the individual and group level, this is progress that Smart is proud to be part of!
Véronique Pican
CM France Smart

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