HelloAsso carries out its carbon report with Greenly!

HelloAsso contacted Greenly when they decided it was time to conduct their first GHG assessment. They wanted to get the whole business involved in the process of reducing their emissions, with the goal of finding out more about how digital technology was impacting their carbon footprint. Today, HelloAsso has earned its first badge towards its Net Zero trajectory!


Date of creation


Number of employees




Year analyzed

Analysis of the results


tCO2 / employee

Total carbon emissions

Icone avec dessin d'avion


Number of round trips Paris / New York

Icone Co2


Annual emissions in number of French people

Icone avec dessin d'arbres


Hectares of growing forest needed to compensate

As we are recognized as a social utility company (ESUS), social responsibility and environmental issues are topics that are important to us at HelloAsso. Although our services are 100% digital, we have an impact in the real world. Being aware of this and increasing our efforts was a source of motivation. In collaboration with Greenly, we wish to reinforce our commitment to climate action in addition to our offsetting process.
Lea Thomassin
Co-founder & President HelloAsso

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