emlyon business school carries out its Carbon Footprint with Greenly
Emlyon business school is now a certified Net Zero Contributor by Greenly and is committed to an ambitious climate strategy to address the challenges outlined in the Paris Accords.

Date of creation
Number of employees
Year analyzed
Analysis of the results
Number of round trips Paris / New York
Annual emissions in number of French people
Hectares of growing forest needed to compensate
ITV - Aims & Objectives 🔍
Founded in 1872 by the CCI de Lyon, emlyon business school welcomes 9,020 students and 125 nationalities over 6 campuses around the world (Lyon-Écully, Saint-Étienne, Shanghai, Paris, Bhubaneswar and Mumbai). emlyon draws on a faculty of 172 international professors and researchers and a network of 190 academic partners around the globe to offer programs of excellence that are open to the world. The school has a community of 38,600 graduates in 130 countries. A Société à Mission since July 2021, emlyon’s goal is to : “shape enlightened people who effectively transform organizations for a more just, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly society”. Its early makers pedagogy closely links action and reflection. It centers the combination of skills and social responsibility at the heart of its training programs to bring together the best of the socio-economic and academic worlds.
“We strongly believe that every organization must act in the face of the climate crisis. As a Société à Mission since July 2021, emlyon has centered environmental issues at the heart of its strategy. We have carried out an initial carbon assessment which has enabled us to identify concrete pathways for improvement, and to define an ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction pathway for the coming years. We trust the emlyon community to achieve the objectives we have set ourselves and to contribute together toward a sustainable global energy balance”

ITV - Why do a GHG assessment ? 🤔
Considering the alarming IPCC reports and the clear interest of students in socio-ecological issues and their initiatives in this regard, and considering the importance of training enlightened citizens, responsible stewards who are aware of the social and moral consequences of their actions, it is crucial that emlyon business school adopts a strong environmental strategy through an ambitious climate plan and a commitment that extends throughout all aspects of the school from teaching to research.
Thus, the school is committed to radically lower its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by following a plan in line with the Paris Accords. More specifically, this translates to the goal of achieving Net Zero (a balance between emissions created and captured by carbon skins on a global scale) by 2050.
emlyon has already carried out an inventory of our GHG emissions. The school’s carbon footprint was 11 000t CO2 in 2022. This has allowed us to better structure our environmental policy and to develop our action plan to reduce our emissions over the long term.
Why Greenly ?
Greenly makes it easy for companies to take action against climate change by calculating their emissions and reducing them.
The Greenly platform includes:
- An automated carbon footprint
- A library of action plans and thoughtful alternatives to reduce your emissions;
- An awareness questionnaire for your employees to increase understanding around climate issues;
- Full reporting to regularly communicate your progress to your stakeholders.
emlyon decided to take it one step further and become a Net Zero Contributor 🌱
After getting the results of the Carbon Footprint calculation, emlyon has strongly committed to a path of sustainable development, and has decided to go even further with this certification.
The Net Zero Contributor Greenly certification attests to efforts made in support of global Net Zéro goals. Its purpose is to provide visibility to the most committed organizations alongside their emission reduction efforts.
emlyon has committed to :
- Track and publish emissions annually
- Apply action plans defined with Greenly’s climate experts
- Contribute at least 10% of its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions annually
- Engage suppliers in the fight against climate change
- Implement in-house training to increase employee awareness of climate change issues.

emlyon’s action plan to reduce its emissions 📉
emlyon, in collaboration with Greenly, has implemented a specific action plan:
- Energy action plan: stop using gas for heating systems (Lyon campus), reduce heating temperatures, maintenance of cooling systems.
- Digital action plan: upgrade IT equipment with refurbished devices and increase their lifespan, practice a responsible digital approach, optimize data storage by deleting old data.
- Commuting action plan: shift to reduce car and plane travel.
- Purchasing action plan: rate suppliers on their commitments, take CSR criteria into account on all purchases, raise awareness of responsible purchasing among buyers.