Education helps shape the society of tomorrow. In addition to raising awareness, its role is to serve as an example, and to help the new generation face the greatest challenge of the 21st century: global warming.
The purchase of school supplies alone represents an average of 40kg of CO2e per student, or the equivalent of a 100 mile road trip.
4,500 schools and establishments have already obtained the school/establishment label in the global sustainable development process (E3D).
In 2021, 79% of young people said they were interested in the topic of global warming (IPSOS study)
With Greenly, you can get training from a dedicated climate expert to help you understand the specifics of climate change.
Get involved in the fight against global warming by measuring the carbon footprint of your school, and start your transition to a sustainable model now.
Our experts will help you reduce your CO2 emissions through customized action plans. Our goal? To help you develop a strategy that is both progressive and sustainable, in line with your ambitions and constraints.
School is the place where students learn how to live in society. Show your students the importance of solidarity and collective effort by contributing to the financing of carbon offset projects in the US and abroad.
Make your students and their families aware of your eco-responsible approach, to better involve them in the practices.
Raise their awareness on climate issues and effective solutions to help them build a better future.
Anticipate future constraints that may be imposed by national regulations, and earn certifications for your school.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be a part of the global solution against climate change.
We get your employees involved through custom sustainability training from our climate experts and survey their habits to create the most accurate carbon footprint report possible.
Our platform reduces the effort required to carry out a carbon assessment, allowing you to focus on your strategic action plans for reducing emissions.
From the very beginning, our team of climate experts will guide you step-by-step through this journey, ultimately making you a true sustainability expert.
Greenly's secret recipe: state-of-the-art technology coupled with a team of climate experts to support you at every stage of your company's transition to a sustainable model.
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