Equativ makes a commitment to the climate and carries out its carbon assessment

Today, we are proud to announce that we have just finalized a complete audit with Greenly in order to take concrete climate action and limit our identified emissions!


Date of creation


Number of employees




Year analyzed

Analysis of the results



9.1tCO2e / employee

Icon with airplane design


Number of round trips from Paris to New York


Annual emissions in number of French people


Hectares of growing forest needed to compensate

ITV - Paths & Objectives 🔍

Equativ is an independent advertising technology company that provides the tools, platforms and support to connect publishers and marketers in a digital and programmatic advertising ecosystem. With the desire to act against climate change, Equativ called on Greenly to analyze and reduce its carbon footprint. Thanks to this collaboration, Equativ obtained its first "GHG assessment" badge, a first step in its Net Zero trajectory.

This is a constructive first step for us. If we want to be part of a sustainable advertising ecosystem, we need to properly understand, measure and act. We have implemented a solution to measure and reduce the carbon emissions of our digital advertising campaigns. This is an essential first step towards a responsible ecosystem.
Véronique PICAN
Managing Director France

ITV - Why did you carry out a GHG assessment? 🤔

As the conversation around CSR continues to grow and our industry in particular begins to pay more attention to environmental impact, we wanted to invest in responsible change. This carbon assessment provides a starting point for us to measure the commitments we’re making and allows us to attract top talent, reassure our partners who are concerned about their carbon footprint, and helps us lead in an industry working to reduce the environmental impact of each ad campaign created.

Why did you choose Greenly? 💚
  • Because of their scientific & transparent approach to assessing carbon footprint, which is accredited by the ADEME (Agence pour la Transition Écologique)
  • Due to the strength of their measurement methodology covering scope 1,2,3 analysis & benchmarks; 
  • We liked their smart platform UI - including its integration with our existing tools; 
  • They offered the guidance and expertise to engage our employees in the approach.

Update on Equativ carbon footprint 📊

Equativ's carbon footprint takes into account direct and energy emissions (Scope 1 & 2) but also indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3). Adding up all the emissions, Equativ had a carbon footprint of 3978t CO2e in 2021. This is a big step for us as a company. This year our global carbon footprint calculation expanded to include the emissions of two additional companies merged under the Equativ name in June.

Equativ wants to reduce its emissions 📉

To meet its industry climate change challenges, Equativ has designed a calculation methodology to measure and reduce the carbon impact of campaigns delivered via its programmatic solutions. Equativ has partnered with BL evolution, a company dedicated to CSR consulting, to develop a solution that measures the energy footprint of programmatic campaigns delivered via its solutions and also reduces the carbon footprint of these campaigns by choosing less energy-consuming delivery methods.

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