With the Carbon Footprint API, you now have the power to help your customers measure and reduce their carbon footprint.
10 million people have already been educated about carbon footprint measurement with Greenly.
20+ banks have integrated impact measurement into their banking environment to guide their customers in reducing their CO2 emissions.
More than 10 countries are deploying this technology around the world to increase awareness among impact-conscious customers.
Reducing starts with measuring. Our API allows your customers to see the carbon footprint of each of their expenses, so they can learn from it and act accordingly.
Our API analyzes and categorizes each banking transaction to determine the type of basket, product or service associated with it. A specific coefficient, called the "monetary emissions factor", is then used to convert the dollars into kg of CO2 equivalent.
We can reduce our CO2 emissions by 20%, simply by changing our habits. For this reason, we are constantly offering your customers less polluting consumption alternatives.
Greenly proposes carbon contribution projects in partnership with EcoAct, Stock CO2 or Patch to accelerate the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energies for example.
Offer your customers a simplified version of their carbon footprint, through our data visualisation features.
Establish yourself as a leading bank and sustainable reference by carrying out your personalised carbon assessment.
Change the mindset: invest in carbon contribution and participate in the creation of an innovative and sustainable financial model.
We get your employees involved through custom sustainability training from our climate experts and survey their habits to create the most accurate carbon footprint report possible.
Our platform reduces the effort required to carry out a carbon assessment, allowing you to focus on your strategic action plans for reducing emissions.
From the very beginning, our team of climate experts will guide you step-by-step through this journey, ultimately making you a true sustainability expert.
Greenly's secret recipe: state-of-the-art technology coupled with a team of climate experts to support you at every stage of your company's transition to a sustainable model.
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